- Joined
- Oct 16, 2010
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Hi can someone help me fix this trigger. I converted the trigger into custom text and then typed this code in. Then when i tested it, it didnt work.
function Trig_Revive_Unit takes nothing returns nothing
local timerdialog Reswindow
local integer Herowait
local timer Restimer
local unit Reshero
local location Resloc = GetUnitLoc(gg_unit_n001_0006)
set Reshero = GetDyingUnit()
set Herowait = ( 60 )
set Restimer = CreateTimer()
call StartTimerBJ( Restimer, false, (I2R(Herowait) ))
call CreateTimerDialogBJ( Restimer, GetPlayerName(GetOwningPlayer(Reshero)) )
set Reswindow = GetLastCreatedTimerDialogBJ()
call TimerDialogDisplayForPlayerBJ( true, Reswindow, GetOwningPlayer(Reshero) )
call PolledWait (Herowait)
call ReviveHeroLoc (Reshero, Resloc, true)
call PanCameraToTimedLocForPlayer( GetOwningPlayer(Reshero), Resloc, 0.60 )
call DestroyTimerDialog(Reswindow)
call RemoveLocation (Resloc)