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[Need Info] Revival and waypoint-like system with data?

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Level 4
Jun 30, 2014
Certain parts of this I know or think I know how to do.
-Waypoint teleport (fast-travel method)
-Waypoints give a small, permanent vision radius once found

What I don't know is how to make a system where one waypoint at a time is selected as a revival point (checkpoints basically). The revive ability was built from a tutorial which works just fine, but didn't explain how to make it automatic at a certain location. For example, the way the zerg heroes in the Swarm campaign revive automatically at your base.

Obviously I could just use triggers (seen that before), but I want to build it with data.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Might be easiest to do it with triggers.

For data you would need to give the last activated waypoint a buff. Then when looking where to revive you search for the waypoint with the buff. When another waypoint is activated then remove the buff from the old one and add the buff to the new one. Not sure how one would do multiple player support with each having different waypoints.
Level 4
Jun 30, 2014
Don't worry about multiplayer, it's a solo map. I'm having more problems than expected. Haven't even started building the teleport, it might turn out to be the easiest part. Even the permanent vision thing is somehow broken. It's kind of a permanent version of the Xel'Naga tower ability, where having a unit near it makes it give vision. I can't replicate it properly, and can't make an actual dupe of it stay permanent.
Level 4
Jun 30, 2014
Before I commit to making a whole other setup for the vision thing, can someone do some experimenting with a buff that has the Reveal and Share vision flags set? Those do exactly what they sound like, revealing the buff holder to all players and sharing the unit's vision to all players (at least, according to the wiki). For some reason, something I missed, it's not doing that. Does it not work on neutral units? Maybe there's something to the reveal unit data field, on the buff?

Revive is still broken. Works now, really derpy reason for it being broken (Death Time on hero was still zero). Haven't started making the teleport yet.
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