Requesting someone to help me finnish a system !

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Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
One of my friends way back then "Banefull" helped me make a system for my StarGate Universe map. I've tried to edit it but it's just out of my range at the moment it is in normal triggers.

This system is where you dial 7 symbols to a selected DHD to the stargate where you must dial 7 symbols in order to open a sucsessfull portal to the planet with those 7 symbols that were dialed in!

This system is going to be the main system which will keep this game alive. If anyone is willing to help me finnish this advanced system please pm or reply to this thread.

(Note: only the base of the system has been made, still the "Can't dial its self planet", teleportation and only 1-2 planets have been coded in. Who ever will help me with this syetem will be ever so loved.)
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
Which ever is easy for you, i can see my self making the system but if i make it it'll take 40 hours because i'll do it the long way. Because this system needs to be able to dial to any 13 planets from the original stargate which can be any of the stargates on the 13 planets. The stargate then needs to stay open for aproxamately 60 seconds. It must also wait until all units that are going through the stargate have all been teleported safely, and time to time the stargate may shut therefore killing the units in the portal.

Note: The map terrain is not finnished but the system can be done with ranges, like how close it gets to the portal, when you begin the system i'll add a portal randomly in the planet sections but when i move it, hopefully it wont ruin the system.

Hope this makes sence, just tell me when your ready to do the system.

edit: Its australian time here, bed time :(. cya another time!
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