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Requesting a experienced system creator!

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Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
If someone out there would like to help create me a system for my map then i'd give you lots of credits and rep and love =D.

One of the systems for this map that i would like you to work on whoem ever accepts is at least 6 planets slowly orbiting the sun with at least acouple of moons orbiting the planets, there will be 15 galaxys at least and every glaxay needs an hyper jump to get there, this is going to be 100% realistic anyone who would like to help then please speak out!

Current Map Thread: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/stargate-universe-196123/

Thanks... Looking forward to your reply.
Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
if youre just requesting the planets orbiting etc then i would recommend this system...you can set the speed range and so on of the units rotating around unit X. take a look....it should fit to your purpose....
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
It could be made in GUI easily-I'm so sorry there are so many ppl here on THW who would need my help, yet I'm cut off of my computer :( Oh also a question, are you going to generate random planets in random places or you use premade planets? Use units with the models of the planets (if you don't want them to be targetable then give them locust) and use a GUI spell like this:

  • Settings
    • Events:
      • Map Initialization
    • Conditions:
    • Actions:
      • -------- 100 means 100%, which is 1degree per frame --------
      • Set AverageSpeed = 100
      • -------- now the randomzation - as planets move at different speed, the first one is negative because it's the minimum number "added" to the average --------
      • Set SpeedMin = -50
      • Set SpeedMax = 50
      • -------- now comes the other settings --------
      • Set MinPlanets = 3
      • Set MaxPlanets = 7
      • Set MinMoons = 0
      • Set MaxMoons = 3
      • Set MaxPlanetSunDistance = 100
      • Set MinPlanetSunDistance = 50
      • Set MinMoonDistance = 10
      • Set MaxMoonDistance = 20
      • Set PlanetRegion = YOUR REGION HERE
      • Set MinSunDistance = 500
      • Set GalaxyNumber = Randum number between (13) and (15)
      • -------- I suspect you have more than 1 planet units(here 3), so I use this: --------
      • Set PlanetTypes[1] = Planet1
      • Set PlanetTypes[2] = Planet2
      • Set PlanetTypes[3] = Planet3
      • -------- A month-how many times does the moon orbit the planet a year --------
      • Set MinMonth = 3
      • Set MaxMonth = 16
      • Trigger - Run Generation
  • Generation
    • Events:
    • Conditions:
    • Actions:
      • Hashtable - Create hashtable
      • Set OrbitParent = Last created hashtable
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to GalaxyNumber, do
        • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
          • If - Conditions
            • SunCounter is more or equal to than GalaxyNumber
          • Then - Actions
            • Skip Remaining Actions
          • Else - Actions
        • Set TempPoint[1] = Random point in PlanetRegion
        • Set SunCheck = Units in MinSunDistance of TempPoint[1] (<--This one is a unit group)
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • Number of units in SunCheck is more than 1
            • Then - Actions
              • Trigger - Run this trigger
              • Skip Remaining Actions
            • Else - Actions
        • Unit - Create 1 Sun at TempPoint facing Default building facing
        • Set SunCounter = SunCounter + 1
        • Set TempSun = Last created unit
        • For each (Integer B) from 1 to Random number between (MinPlanets) and (MaxPlanets), do
          • Set PlanetTypeNumber = Random number between (1) and (3)
          • TempInt = (Random Number between (MinPlanetSunDistance) and (MaxPlanetSunDistance)
          • TempAngle = Random angle
          • TempPoint[2] = TempPoint[1] with offset by TempInt towards TempAngle
          • Unit - Create 1 unit of type PlanetTypes(PlanetTypeNumber) at TempPoint[1] facing Default building facing
          • Unit Group - Add Last created unit to OrbitGroup
          • Set TempPlanet = Last created unit
          • Set TempDirection = Random number between 1 and 2
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • TempDirection = 1
            • Then - Actions
              • Set TempDirection = -1
            • Else - Actions
              • Set TempDirection = 1
          • Hashtable - Save TempSun's HandleID as 0 of TempPlanet's HandleID in OrbitParent
          • Hashtable - Save TempInt as 1 of TempPlanet's HandleID in OrbitParent
          • Hashtable - Save TempAngle as 2 of TempPlanet's HandleID in OrbitParent
          • Hashtable - Save (AverageSpeed - Random number between (SpeedMin) and (SpeedMax)) as 3 of TempPlanet's HandleID in OrbitParent
          • Hashtable - Save TempDirection as 3 of TempPlanet's HandleID in OrbitParent
          • For each integer (I), from 1 to Random number between (MinMoons) and (MaxMoons), do
            • TempInt = (Random Number between (MinMoonDistance) and (MaxMoonDistance)
            • TempAngle = Random angle
            • Set TempPoint[3] = TempPoint[2] with offset by TempInt towards TempAngle
            • Unit - Create 1 unit of type Moon at TempPoint[3] facing Default building facing
            • Unit Group - Add Last created unit to OrbitGroup
            • Set MoonSpeed = ((Load 3 of TempPlanet's HandleID in OrbitParent)/Random number between MinMonth and MaxMonth)
            • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
              • If - Conditions
                • TempDirection = 1
              • Then - Actions
                • Set TempDirection = -1
              • Else - Actions
                • Set TempDirection = 1
            • Hashtable - Save TempPlanet's HandleID as 0 of last created unit's HandleID in OrbitParent
          • Hashtable - Save TempInt as 1 of Last Created Unit's HandleID in OrbitParent
          • Hashtable - Save TempAngle as 2 of Last Created Unit's HandleID in OrbitParent
          • Hashtable - Save MoonSpeed as 3 of TempPlanet's HandleID in OrbitParent
          • Hashtable - Save TempDirection as 4 of TempPlanet's HandleID in OrbitParent
            • Custom Script: call RemoveLocation (udg_TempPoint[3])
          • Custom Script: call RemoveLocation (udg_TempPoint[2])
        • Custom Script: call RemoveLocation (udg_TempPoint[1])
  • Orbiting
    • Event:
      • Time - Every 0.1 second
    • Condition:
    • Actions:
      • For every unit in OrbitGroup, do
        • Set TempUnit = (Load 0 of Picked unit's HandleID of OrbitParent)
        • Set TempDistance = (Load 1 of Picked unit's HandleID of OrbitParent)
        • Set TempAngle = (Load 2 of Picked unit's HandleID of OrbitParent)
        • Set TempSpeed = (Load 3 of Picked unit's HandleID of OrbitParent)
        • Set TempDirection = (Load 4 of Picked unit's HandleID of OrbitParent)
        • Set TempAngle = TempAngle + ((TempSpeed/100)xTempDirection)
        • Set TempPoint[4] = Position of TempUnit offset by TempDistance towards TempAngle
        • Unit - Move Picked Unit to TempPoint facing Default building facing
        • Custom Script: call RemoveLocation (udg_TempPoint[4])
Oh and I hope you only wanted 1 sun per galaxy, else the WC3 engine will be overloaded :) But that way we talk about sun systems not galaxies ^^

I'll continue it just save it not to get lost and to let you see I work on it, but I have to type it xD

I think it's done, but there could be more adjustments-it still took long to make as I had to type the entire thing BY HAND ^^

EDIT2: Need to set some more things, and if you set the wrong numbers it will run ininitely many times as it can't place all the solar systems you told it to make, so it's better to leave a lot of free space (compared to the distances)
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Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
sry no DL link (you have to copy it 1 by 1 :(), as I don't have WC3 installed on this laptop, and it'd be itnteresting if it wouldn't freeze just from starting WE :D Because of the project thread i tough you need a planet generation tool too, as this system now generates entire solar systems in randm points (well I think the min distance script is still missing :D) But if you premade the maps I'll remake this one (but I think this way it's easier and more of an excercise as you can't tell how far is the enemy :)) So tell me if I should rewrite the script for premade planet positions or is it okay if it generates solar systems?
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Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
Well, i have never in my life created a random system like that. I guess i'll have to try it :D, i'll tell you if i have any troubles with it, thanks =D

Edit: Although, ships would need to enter each planet, i have also been thinking changing the entire gameplayer to RPG. Still thinking though D:
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
You can let the ships enter a planet by picking every unit around the ship in X range and if there is a planet then move the ship into the atmosphere :) Also what will you use for the human fleet? I doubt it would be good to use a Prometheus class ship, so you have Daedalus remaining, or you can say that Atlantis is still on the earth and they decoded the entire ancient database thus they are being able to craft ancient warships ^^ (You are not the only SG fan out there I suppose ;D) And also... Why universe? Will the Destiny take part in this map?

Oh, and do you have daedalus, aurora, o'neil class ship models? That's a must in a map like this :D I can give you an entire arsenal of ideas in this theme :)
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
I'd have anything thats to do with stargate, but i don't have anyone on thats really helping me on the map, i'm still desciding if the map should be full RTS or full RPG or rts + rpg but really just RTS... (RTS: Real Time Statadgy)

The only models i have to do with ships is the ha'tak and the death glider. And they dont even have any death animations i also made a thread for someone to add annimations to the models and nobody has cared to do it, will fail if nobody will help the map... Like you =D try and get your World edit to work (try another world edit like world editor unlimited or world editor newgen)

Gota to go i live aussie here so i needa sleep =D. Got somethign to do in the morning..
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