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Requesting a model

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Level 3
May 12, 2012
i need a model that looks like a nerubian ziggurat with the middle removed and one side open so it looks like a U; or something that looks as ominous as that does with a more pyramid look to it, its for a predator building so it needs to look ceremonial and ancient. if your interested then send me a pm and hopefully i can answer any questions regarding it. i understand it may take awhile to make and im willing to do what i can to assist, keep in mind i dont have a model editor and no knowledge in how to use one if i did.
Level 3
May 12, 2012
sadly i dont have anything to reference on models or photos or id post them for you to see, but imagine if you will a monastery; a structure on the far wall which in this case would probably be the ziggurat and then the walls surrounding an open courtyard, there doesnt need to be a wall parallel to the main structure but an opening that looks like its underground would be nice... i do hope thats more descriptive for you but i dont have anything to reference
Level 3
May 12, 2012
awesome but not quite

as neat as that is unfortunately no, take away the floating crystal and the wall facing you and then you have it, the empty space though is the closest thing i have found as of yet
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