• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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SUNKEN RUINS (request)

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Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
I need Sunken Ruins Skins and Icons.

Nerubian Ziggurat: I need a skin for [the Nerubian Ziggurat] this model, changing it from an old undead building, into an egyptian building. This would mean making it blend in with Sunken Ruins tiles, and have golden skulls.

Carrion Beetle: I need a skin for [the Carrion Beetle] this model making it have golden claws, feet, and a golden head.

Crypt Lord: I need a skin for [the Crypt Lord] this model making it have golden claws, feet, and a golden head.

Obsidian Statue: I need a skin for this [Obsidian Statue] model making it have a golden base, golden head and golden wand handles.

Destroyer: I need a skin for this [Destroyer] model making it have a golden head and golden wand handles.

Abomination: I need a skin for this [Abomination] model making it have a golden body and some golden weapons.

Crypt Fiend: I need a skin for this [Crypt Fiend] model, making all of it's eyes golden, and making it's body silver.

Nerubian Ziggurat: I need an Icon [Nerubian Ziggurat] for this model, with a head shot of the skin, either a screen shot or a portrait. This goes for all of the skins
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