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[Solved] replacing projectiles w/ ability

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Level 4
Aug 17, 2008
Hey, I want to make a skill that replaces the units attack projectile so long as it has the skill.

I was trying to achieve this with the Orb item skills, but I'm constantly getting buggy nonsensical results. I don't want to enable the unit's Attack 2, what is the proper way to setup the orb skill?

I'd like the ability to enable only attack 1 (which is already enabled)
and I'd like the applicable targets to be the same that the unit could attack normally; Air, Debris, Ground, Item, Structure.

If anyone has some experience with this stuff, I'd greatly appreciate your help. Otherwise I'll have to keep ragetesting it.
Level 4
Aug 17, 2008
The problem with it was that the Targets Allowed option doesn't seem to make any sense in conjunction with the units regular Attack targets. I'm also unsure on what Attack Index to enable. Playing around with it, I managed to get it to change attack projectile types vs. Structures only, but it would work against nothing else. To work for me, the projectile has to change when used against all Air, Debris, Ground, Item, and Structure. targets; which are the regular targets the unit type may attack. It has to keep attack 1 enabled without enabling other attack types as well.
You can use Orb of Lightning (new), with Percent chances to 100% and a dummy ability (because it will crash the game if you use none). I used Flying Machines' True Sight ability with Detection Type "None" and Targets allowed "None". Orb of Lightning is the ability that will control the new projectile (edit Art - Missile Art). Test map:


  • Test Projectile.w3x
    16.9 KB · Views: 70
Level 4
Aug 17, 2008
Ah you're right. It works flawlessly.

The problem I had was I didn't notice my unit's attack type was missle (line) instead of just a regular missle. This is why I was having so many problems.. Sphere will probably work after all.. Herp derp..

Thank you Pharaoh. :)

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