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[Import] Replace Lich

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Level 2
Mar 3, 2011

Anyone know where is the Lich model in the MPQ, because i try to replace it with the Lich King model but it's always the Lich who appears in the editor and in the game. I have replaced "Units\Undead\HeroLich", "Units\Undead\HeroLichCIN" but the path is wrong it doesn't change anything! :vw_wtf:

Thanks for help!
Level 2
Mar 3, 2011
Because i want to replace have it in all the maps without do all time import/edit unit.
Level 2
Mar 3, 2011
I have the same issue with the Archmage model : the path is not Units/Human/HeroArchMage/HeroArchMage.mdx but another!

Please help :vw_sad:
Level 2
Mar 3, 2011

I would not change the model in the MPQ, but in the Local Files.
I use this reg :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III]
"Allow Local Files"=dword:00000001

With this, i can replace the files of mpq by files in my war3 folder. But the ArchMage model (who should be in Units/Human/HeroArchMage/HeroArchMage.mdx) doesn't control the archmage model ingame.
Level 4
Jan 12, 2014
I dislike bringing back old topics, but I'm desperate and it is unsolved anyway.

Same as illian years ago, I am struggling with Lich. I downloaded this Pharaoh Lich texture and tried to access it in game in any way. As illian, I have "Allow Local Files" on, this way I'm using most of skins/models in my game by whole, yet I cannot replace Lich by this way at all. And if it was not enough, it doesn't even work in World Editor - ok, it does, it shows ONLY in World Editor, in game it's overwritten by TFT Lich texture.

Tl;dr : Lich texture replacers/skins do not work both when in game folder and when imported into any map, yet they show in World Editor.

Anybody got a clue what is the reason? Lich textures from RoC and TFT have the very same texture path, so I cannot change them both - even if it did anything. Always same result - TFT Lich being on top of anything, no matter what I'm trying to do.

And before someone tells me to check my paths, I did it all day. Credibility of texture replacing via game folders and paths? >>> Everything works besides Lich.
My only clues are that it either has a different texture path (yet War3ModelEditor shows "Textures/HeroLich") or something is really wrong with this rotten guy.
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
Maybe you could try changing the "Art - Model File - Extra Versions" of the unit to None and/or changing the model of the unit to Lich/Kel'thuzad model in the selection menu of the "Art - Model File", because by default it has another model path.

If that doesn't work, you can change the lich texture path in the model by editing the model in the MDX Pather program, and then import both the model and the skin, the skin with the new path. Though, this will increase your map size more than importing only the texture.
Level 4
Jan 12, 2014
Maybe you could try changing the "Art - Model File - Extra Versions" of the unit to None and/or changing the model of the unit to Lich/Kel'thuzad model in the selection menu of the "Art - Model File", because by default it has another model path.

If that doesn't work, you can change the lich texture path in the model by editing the model in the MDX Pather program, and then import both the model and the skin, the skin with the new path. Though, this will increase your map size more than importing only the texture.

Yeah, changing the "Art - Model File - Extra Versons" did the trick so the imported texture worked - needed to set it to Reign of Chaos tho.

As I'm planning to have this skin aviable at every game I play tho, I kept experimenting with changing texture paths, as You suggested, which made me discover a few things...
- Lich models from (and actually in) Reign of Chaos work as they should and accept new texture if path is changed.
- Lich models found in The Frozen Throne .mpq file, even through said to be "V1" (new?), are probably NOT the models which we see in game...
I simply decapitated each of 4 Lich models found in game files >>> RoC had Lich headless, TFT didn't even notice it and kept it's Lich with his skull intact.
If all 4 models which are said to be the Lich have no head and Lich in expansion game still keeps his head, something is wrong.
Either game does not allow to import over Lich in TFT or there is another, fifth model hidden somewhere...
If I find any explaination, I'll make it come to light.
Level 4
Jan 12, 2014
I recieved an e-mail with response to this thread, which is not visible at Hive, strange...
Lemme clarify a few things:
-The fact that Lich replacers work in World Editor doesn't mean they show in game, because they don't (unless you change Extra Versions to RoC), I guess everybody would like to have it the opposite, right? :D
-Allowing Local Files is already set "on" in my registry, which I already said, and I have no experience to edit .mpq files, so I don't do this.
-As I already said, it took me whole day to check if my paths are correct, comparing with those in .mpq files, and guess what? They are. They are correct. They work in RoC, yet TFT doesn't read them or does not allow replacing even through "Allow Local Files" is active.
-The _V1 version is TFT one which I was replacing as well, didn't do anything - I even removed this model's head, and in game Lich was as headless as I am.
Level 4
Jan 12, 2014
About the whole topic, I found no way around so far. To summarise:
-Whenever you create a Lich in World Editor, it shows RoC model, even if currently selected is TFT one.
-RoC Lich can be replaced via "Allow Local Files" and is the one that accepts custom texture path when importing into World Editor (Textures\HeroLich ; Extra Versions: RoC)
-TFT Lich cannot be replaced via method above because it either: A) Doesn't allow to be overwritten, B) Isn't the model which the game uses.
-All model edits and texture path changes do work for RoC Lich asset, TFT Lich does not get changed at all.
-In .mpq files, there are at least 4 Lich models, each with it's portrait. 2 of them are "HeroLichCIN" models which apparently are not used by the game at all (went through campaigns)

Someone must have posted a reply and then realised something and deleted it.
Thanks, it must be it. Didn't really think about it :/
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