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Replace Internal Sound

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Level 18
May 11, 2012
I'm wanting to replace internal sound in sound editor. But whenever I'm about to play the replaced internal sound, I get something like: Invalid Format or This sound appears to be invalid.
I exported my sound to .wav because that's the only format for replacing sounds.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
Are you testing in the editor or in-game? Testing sounds in the editor is often problematic and inaccurate, most of the sounds I deal with don't work in the editor but work fine in-game.

You can actually use various formats and I think the best is mp3 as it works and saves a lot of space. I though it only worked with wavs as well until I accidentally forgot to convert my mp3s and found out they work too.
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
Wav files can be a bit tricky, because their saved format needs to be 22050 Hz, 16 bits, Mono. It sounds like that's the issue and just needs to be saved again with your audio program using those settings.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
It works ingame, and misteriously now it works in editor, too.

Thanks for help. Any tips on reducing its filesize? Will this reduce its file size?

Use mp3 format make sure to use a mono channel and reduce the kbps. I found that for me 48 kbps seems to keep most of the quality. The quality is worse in wav fromat however.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
You can. Import the needed file (you can import any file in the import manager) and just set its path to the file you want to replace e.g. Units\Human\Footman\FootmanWhat1.wav

It appears that by using the sound manager 'replace internal sound' option all you are doing is automating this process. You can easily get the path you want by 'replacing internal sounds' with some nonsense and go to the import manager and find the new file and copy the path and delete the file.

The mp3 file will be played instead of the original wav one. It saves a ton of space :)
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
Keep in mind that you can't use the sounds as 3D sounds if they're MP3s, even if they're renamed to replace WAVs.

Someone did come up with a hybrid method years ago, but I never tested it on 3D sounds:
Sound Compression

It's supposed to legitimately trick the editor into thinking an MP3 is a WAV, so I'm assuming it should work if you're willing to go through the effort.
Level 5
Jun 28, 2010
Well i faced with your problems few days ago. I tried to import some dota2's sounds into my map.
-First thing to mention, it was 44100 Hz, 16 bit, Strereo. Of course it work, but isnt a 3D sound, so once you played it with trigger, it actually will be turned into global sound which means you can hear it anywhere. 3D sound does provide more things than normal sound does, if you want to turn a sound in to 3D sound, it must be xxxx(x) Hz, 16 bits, Mono MUST BE 16 bit and MONO in order to work as a 3D sound otherwise is not going to work in game and with that quality, its like shit (for me). I did try to turn it into mp3 and use that as a sound but it wasnt a 3D sound. Well i think the only way to turn a sound into 3D is with a sound edtior (in my case: Wavepad Sound Editor), and save it in .wav or .mp3 with xxxx(x) Hz, 16 bits, Mono
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