leissaK said:
How can you remove a unit from a neutral building after someone picks it? This is to limit each hero to only appearing once in the whole map/game. Only one person can use him. I used different triggers to remove unit-type from all marketplaces but it doesn't work for some reason. If anyone can post something here like JASS, or a working trigger for this I would be greatly appreciated.
Hmmm i bet you didnt use the If all conditions in the main actions, or else this should work ! ok use this trigger if it work,, but you need to create the same thing as i show you here ! EX building1 is where you buy hero. and Peon is buying hero. and BloodMage is the hero you wanna remove from building1.
Building1 is selling a unit
Or Any Conditions Are True
Unit type of buying unit Equal to Peon
If All Conditions are true then Do Then actions Else do else Actions
If Conditions
Or any Conditions Are True
Unit type of Sold Unit equal BloodMage
(Over here you need to Remove Sold Unit from building1 not bloodmage)
Else actions
Do Nothing
Event + Conditions + Actions = must be fit and all trues, so the trigger knows what we're orderin them to do, there you go you can add any units you wanna remove from building1, because this is a Multi actions,
Remember Event = selling a unit, condition and actions must be Buying units or Sold units , if my trigger still doesnt work, then you need to recheck other triggers in your map.