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Remove The Author Column

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Level 2
Aug 13, 2004
Although people with ADSL would have no problem with this, what you have to realise is that people with dialup have to download over 7000 names on every page of the site (excluding few).

i highly doubt that many people scroll down the huge list in order to find an author in the first place. My suggestion is to find an alternative (such as a page dedicated to listing all the members) instead of having to load a massive column on every page.

You should also take this as a sort of compliment as it only describes the humungo amount of users you have.
Level 7
Dec 11, 2004
Yes it is right! That's an unuseful code that really slows EACH page.
Furthermore it really sucks as author search! If i want to look something made by vexorian i must slide the list over 7000 rows. Wouldn't it be easier to make a string search on author?
Level 2
Aug 13, 2004
that's exactly my point ... i'm not going to sit there and hover my cursor over an image until it goes through a few thousand names just to reach an author

you're idea of a string search is much better ... Darky, if you're reading this, please consider it as it might help to speed up the site.
Level 7
Dec 11, 2004
And the thing is easy to script... just change a "db_author = ins_author" with a "db_author LIKE ins_author" in the request query and change the authors list with a simple textfield...

I think that actually noone uses the author function, it's too boring to find an author you need on the long listing!

I noticed the time that each page needs to load the authors list is about 30 seconds! That slows really the site browsing.
Level 7
Dec 11, 2004
Names dont take long to load?!?!?
Try to create a .txt file with 1300 rows that contain:

<tbody id="author171" style="display:none"><tr><td class =" menuHeader"><img src =" /gfx/blank.gif" width =" 3" height =" 7" border =" 0">Bibendus</td></tr></tbody>

Thats the actual html text of EACH author in the list!
I saved a page of this site displaying 100 maps.
The page resulted of this size 515 KB (528.205 byte)
I extracted the author rows (1327 authors) in another .txt file and it resulted 345 KB (354.082 byte).
This means that each page needs more then half of loading time to download the authors list! And for each page you browse you must download 1/2 MB.

That's MAD!!!
Level 12
Mar 11, 2004
Even if it was true they don't cause lag.

That thing is incredibly bad, you take ages to get to the names that start with P at least, then imagine getting to the ones with Z.

A text box would have been useful

the problem though is that there are no signs of Darky and he is the only one able to change this
Level 2
Aug 13, 2004
although it is unique and i do admire the amount of time darky has spent on making the site ... u gotta admit, it isnt the most efficiant way of searching for a user.

i'm not so much complaining about the "lag", just the annoyance of scrolling through over 6000 names to get to an author.

but hey, if you like the author column, so be it ... im not so fussed about it that im running a partition to get it changed ... just discussing it.
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Bah. On the off chance Darky returns from WoW or wherever he is, I say keep the author list. Much easier than sifting through the endless list of pages in the various sections.
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