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Relentless V1.7

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Relentless V1.7 (Map)

Level 2
Dec 25, 2004
Relentless v1.7

If you like epic battles of huge armies, this map is for you. The Roo (Human) are a powerful army to the North. They will first take the fortress in the center of the map and then try to wipe out their opponents. Numerous triggers keep the action going. Attack and defend waves follow each other in short succession. If you want to survive, you have to quickly build up your army and prevent the Roo from becoming too strong. Special Demolition and Death Squads will attack your hero or your base and will wipe you out if you are not prepared.

- The map takes up to three players.

- The fortress has a number of towers that are invulnerable. They change ownership with the owner of the fortress. To take the fortress, one of your heroes must reach the large statue in the middle of the fortress.

- The towers that exist at the entrance of your camp from the beginning of the game are special. They have unusually high hit points and repair themselves.

- The food limit is set to 150.

- Heroes have additional upgradeable custom abilities and can reach up to level 50.

- There are 6 resurrection stones that can be activated by bringing one of your Heroes close to them. Heroes that die will be resurrected at one of the stones that you own (look for a white exclamation mark on the minimap that tells you where the resurrection takes place). If you do not own stones but your allies do, you will be resurrected at one of their stones. The Roo can reclaim a stone with one of their heroes.

- When the Roo launch an attack on your camp, you hear a thunder clap and a message on the screen.

- When you have computer allies, you can type chat messages to order them to attack one of the camps of the Roo (type ‘left’ or ‘right’) or the fortress (type ‘middle’). They will attack for 90 seconds unless they are attacked at home. To stop an attack earlier, type ‘stop’.

- The game speed can be changed during the game by typing ‘1’, ‘2’ or ‘3’ as a chat message, for slow, medium or fast. Type ‘a’ to switch to automatic and the speed slows down during battles (for slower computers).

- At the beginning of the game, Player 1 can choose a difficulty level (1 - 5) that determines how many resources the Roo get during the game.

- The Roo get a defence and attack bonus that depends on the difficulty level of the game and the level of the Roo heros. This bonus is halved when the fortress is not in the Roo's possession, and further reduced when the Roo have no buildings in the two outstations next to the fortress.

- Some of the dead trees grow back.

- Environmental effects: Rain, Lightning.

- Some of the forest that separates the two camps of the Roo is poisoned and will slow down and damage your units.

- Uses Advanced Melee AI (AMAI 2.40, http://amai.wc3campaigns.com/)

- The map was tested with TFT Patch 1.18

- Version 1.5: Fixed several bugs and improved AI
- Version 1.6: Fixed bugs and improved terrain design
- Version 1.7: improved attack behavior of the Roo
Level 22
May 11, 2004
I think this is ready for the Director's Choice section now. Awesome work. Perheps the best implementation of AMAI done so far to date. Although I think it should be stressed more that higher end comps are needed for this. I'm running a high end machine and it still lags, but thats not a reason not to d/l this map. This is perfect for those who want good melee action, but are fed up with the immaturity online. Very fun, very challanging.
Level 2
Dec 25, 2004
Thanks a lot, VGsatomi!!! I still wonder if those lags are just the result of all the units and triggers, or if there is a bug in there that causes some exceptions. Anyway, thanks for your encouragement. It was fun to write this map.
Level 2
Mar 1, 2010
Hi, i used to like this map a lot, just that sometimes it crush suddenly when an enemy hero was slain. I would like to know if there is a new version of this map or not

Thanks a lot