Reincarnation, editor limits/bug?

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Level 1
Jul 9, 2009
Reincarnation, editor limits/bug? & Item spells on units

Currently, if you set the Tauren Chieftain spell 'Reincarnation' to a cooldown over 300 seconds, it will still start counting down from max 300 seconds.

When the unit dies, the spell goes on cooldown. Say I set the cooldown to 450 seconds, 2/3 of the icon will be greyed out to begin with, ticking down. If I set 600 seconds, 1/2 of the icon will be greyed out right away, instead of the entire icon. etc.

I've timed it and confirmed that this is not a display bug. I've thoroughly gone through Gameplay Constants, but I cannot find anything related/any solution.

Also, is there a way to make item abilities actually have requirements when had by a unit? (check dependencies - yes doesnt work, spell is: Spell Damage Reduction)

Please help, thank you!
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Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
Very long cooldown, are working, as you said.
When the unit dies, the spell goes on cooldown. Say I set the cooldown to 450 seconds, 2/3 of the icon will be greyed out to begin with, ticking down. If I set 600 seconds, 1/2 of the icon will be greyed out right away, instead of the entire icon. etc.
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