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Reforged Doodad Building Roofs (Stormwind)

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Greetings! :wgrin:

As someone asked for recolors of basic Reforged village structures to recreate Stormwind roofs, I was suprised to realize nobody has ever done so simple-lookinig task(?)! (okay, it's not that easy) So I'll try to provide you all with the full work I've done so far.

If it's permitted, I can provide you with the link of the .xcf GIMP file. (light version is without all the final results i already exported properly)

I'm trying to cut the roofs as best as I can, in ordered layers, so we can easily add any color we need in the future. (Well, only roofs for now, but at least...)
At start, when I was as it, I included a few comments roughly explaining how I tweak colors to preserve the most the integrity of the pixels, especially for the brighter yellow shade. I tried to stay as close as possible to the original in-game look.

For now there are only the 6 buildings used in villages, but I'm trying to figure out where the rest are hiding.
I will find them, and I will paint them.

BV1 roof blue (Texture)

BV1 roof purple (Texture)

BV1 roof red (Texture)

BV1 roof yellow (Texture)

BV2 roof blue (Texture)

BV2 roof purple (Texture)

BV2 roof yellow (Texture)

BV3 roof blue (Texture)

BV3 roof purple (Texture)

BV3 roof red (Texture)

BV3 roof yellow (Texture)

CBR1 roof blue (Texture)

CBR1 roof purple (Texture)

CBR1 roof red (Texture)

CBR1 roof yellow (Texture)

CBR2 roof blue (Texture)

CBR2 roof purple (Texture)

CBR2 roof red (Texture)

CBR2 roof yellow (Texture)

CBR3 roof blue (Texture)

CBR3 roof purple (Texture)

CBR3 roof red (Texture)

CBR3 roof yellow (Texture)
