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[JASS] Recipe System

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Level 6
Nov 10, 2006
Does anyone has a up to date verison of a Recipe System for me to have a look? (I have seen artifical's one)

No old recipe systems, thank you.
Level 13
Nov 22, 2006
Well, you can search for some tutorials, use those ideas and make your own system, maybe.

Sometimes it's best to make your own system because it suits your needs the best. And since you're an "Intermediate vJass user", you probably know normal JASS well. I'll be making a vJass system for my map, so if nobody has an up to date version, you can probably use mine (if it will be flexible enough).
Level 6
Nov 10, 2006
Sure, post it here. I don't see any vJASS tutorial to make a efficient item system. Most of them are just too old with all those GC when we have Table already.

Post your's ^_^ I'll examine it.
Level 13
Nov 22, 2006
Sure, post it here. I don't see any vJASS tutorial to make a efficient item system. Most of them are just too old with all those GC when we have Table already.

Post your's ^_^ I'll examine it.

Er, I didn't start making it yet :/

I will check that try of yours and PM you if I find anything wrong.

EDIT: Crap, it uses Tables and UnitProperties... I don't use those so I don't know how they work. Sorry, it would really take too much time to understand that code. Sorry.

I suggest tracking down the problem with BJDebugMsg functions, it's quite useful and you can slowly narrow the problem down to just a few functions. Because this way it's just too complicated.
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
there's a guy who helped me a lot with his JASS Recipe System i'm actually using for my current project. This guy is called Diablo-dk and his work is located here:
I'd really recommend it because its very easy to create recipes, you just have to write the "reagents" and the "final item". It works with the use of an ability to assemble the items and a disassemble ability.
Hope it helps!
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