*loading............... Fatal eror "your computer is too slow to run windows, please upgrade or get linux"
loading........................press controll alt delete if you are fustrated, press any key if not*
loading................................ you have pressed control alt delete, but your computer is too slow to process this comand*
*loading............................................................................................................please try again later*
*loading...........................................your computer is too slow to run DOS!!!! lolol*
*loading...........................................could not detect an operatingsystem. Please insert a disk in drive c:!
*loading...........................................the operatingsystem cant find drive c:. Please contact the system administrator for more information about this error!*
*loading...........................................the operatingsystem has detected too many CD-ROM devices. Please try to remove some of them!
*loading...................................thank you for instering a operating system, you are now connecting to the internet. your connection speed is 16.6k*
*loading....................................the oparting system has detected a virus and will now reformat to stop futher damage!!!
ERROR!! The computer could not reboot. Please try to reboot the computer so solve this error!
*loading..................(5 hours later)….. your computer is now ready to load*
*the computer has not loaded the boot sector to the memory. Prepare to load operating system......................................
ERROR!!!!! The operating system could not start because of an invaild boot sector. Try to replace it with a boot sector virus!
*loading.................................your computer has loaded in french, to change languge you must replace operating system, to continue press F5 now*
*loading...............your computer has loaded in english, to change languge you must replace operating system, to continue press F5 now*
*loading........Bonjour, bienvenu aux fenêtres, AVERTISSANT le virus détecté!!!*
Testing 16 MB memory........................................................................OK
CPU: Intel Pentium 166 MHz
The computer could not load because of a too slow cpu and too much memory
Press Scroll Lock to ignore this error and continue loading
Press SHIFT+6 to change the cpu
*loading....................................ERROR!! could not detect a keyboard. Please press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to reboot the computer!
*loading.............you have selected to take the windows usage tutorial, lesson one press controll alt delete. lesson two press ok to press ok on fatal errors. this concludes the windows tutorial*
*loading...................WARNING!!! no mouse input click ok to contunue
*loading...................ERROR!!! could not detect a screen. If you see this error try to reboot the computer
*loading.......................FATAL ERROR!!! to continue press controll alt delete, WARNING!!! controll alt delete not responing, to continue smash computer up with sledge hammer*
*loading................error loading error message
error!! Error message could not load
*loading.....................FATAL ERROR!!! to contnue press F13!
*loading.....................FATAL ERROR!!! to continue remove the escape button
*loading................if F13 doesnt work press F0
*loading..................inter net connection established, current speed ................ 0.00000000000000056bytes
Error!! An unknown process has caused an error. The unknown process will not exit
*loading............15000x speed disk drive detected.....run CD, CS:CZ......WARNING!!! CD inCD drive melting, all external opening systems shut down!! please remove disk in disk drive by smashing open computer!
WARNING!!! You have pressed the reboot button on your computer. This may cause the computer to reboot. If you want to continue press the reboot button or if not the press the power switch
ERROR!! The computer could not turn off. Try to remove the processor from the motherboard to fix this error
INFORMATION!!! If you dont see this text try to turn on your screen!
ERROR!!! Could not detect a printer. Press "More Info" to print out some instructions to fix this error
WARNING!! Graphics will be bad using your current system; a new audio card will improve this.
ERROR!!! The computer is unable to print out text. This may have been caused by a damaged graphics card. Please try to replace it!