I found a bug when I was playing around a bit with my druid. I do not think that this "bug" really needs to be fixed,because it is not affecting the game very hard, but if you feel free to fix it, just do it . Just watch the replay and you will understand it I think. The only thing that confuses me is why the crow and the ogres can run out of their "area" without being resetted. I think that these two bugs can be used for other mobs too, but I did not try it yet.
These are the parts of the replay where you can see the bugs:
2:25-2:55 (bug number one: the crows stay at the fence and can not attack me, but i can attack them)
4:15-4:57 (bug number one and two: same thing as before, but one of the crows moves out of his "area" and does not get resetted)
9:10-10:28 (bug number two: the ogres somehow move out of their "area" and do not get resetted and they can be killed)
These are the parts of the replay where you can see the bugs:
2:25-2:55 (bug number one: the crows stay at the fence and can not attack me, but i can attack them)
4:15-4:57 (bug number one and two: same thing as before, but one of the crows moves out of his "area" and does not get resetted)
9:10-10:28 (bug number two: the ogres somehow move out of their "area" and do not get resetted and they can be killed)