The subject of this post is : While playing my AoS map, occasionaly, all players will get a critical error/ FATAL ERROR!, and their wc3 will shut down including me.
About the map: AoE type of map. Uses GUI, around 5 ko weigth, lots of triggers. I've been making it for the past 3 years. Me and my friends are playing it every day. Crashes started to happen about 3 months ago. I will attach the map to that post.
About the crashes:
- It never happens when there are 4 players or less (the game needs to be pretty full-housed). The more players in the game, the more it tends to crash.
- It happens approx. 1 game out of 3.
- I can open it in WE and it runs smoothly
- Since the happening of crashes, I am taking note of the heroes/spells used in every game that crashes. With +/- 30 crashes, I can't find any correlation.
- Crashes tend to happen in the middle of TEAM FIGHTS
Things i suspected/still suspect
- Leaks. I tried removing all of them, but as long as I know, they can lag, but barely would they cause a crash...
- Special effects. The fact it happens during team fights makes me think it has something to do either with an overdose of SFX, sounds or informations.
- Infinite trigger? If that was it, crashes would not be random.
- Windows 7. Can it be incompatibility?
- Lightning effects. I heard they can cause crashes O,o? I only use a very small amount of those however...
- Loops. I never go faster than 0.05 time event looping triggers. However, if three spells using 0.05 time event run simultaneously, could it crash?
I opened the error logs in order to find the redundant coding. Here are the code I have seen more than twice in my log, in order of importance:
-opkE, pkE, xSoX, 7UoX, Engine 13d8, 3PDorPDo, EeRo, UXDo, BvMm, pe5w.
(to be honnest, I thought I could link those with some raw coding from units/abilities/etc... I've been using ctrl+f to look around and found nothing relevant.
Program: c:\program files\warcraft iii\War3.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:6F430C91
The instruction at '0x6F430C91' referenced memory at '0x00000020'.
The memory could not be 'read'.
That is what it looks like (most of the times)
I hope I provided enough informations. I really need help badly... Any clue would do. I have been investigating for the past 2 months and am feeling kind of depressed now about those crashes.
About the map: AoE type of map. Uses GUI, around 5 ko weigth, lots of triggers. I've been making it for the past 3 years. Me and my friends are playing it every day. Crashes started to happen about 3 months ago. I will attach the map to that post.
About the crashes:
- It never happens when there are 4 players or less (the game needs to be pretty full-housed). The more players in the game, the more it tends to crash.
- It happens approx. 1 game out of 3.
- I can open it in WE and it runs smoothly
- Since the happening of crashes, I am taking note of the heroes/spells used in every game that crashes. With +/- 30 crashes, I can't find any correlation.
- Crashes tend to happen in the middle of TEAM FIGHTS
Things i suspected/still suspect
- Leaks. I tried removing all of them, but as long as I know, they can lag, but barely would they cause a crash...
- Special effects. The fact it happens during team fights makes me think it has something to do either with an overdose of SFX, sounds or informations.
- Infinite trigger? If that was it, crashes would not be random.
- Windows 7. Can it be incompatibility?
- Lightning effects. I heard they can cause crashes O,o? I only use a very small amount of those however...
- Loops. I never go faster than 0.05 time event looping triggers. However, if three spells using 0.05 time event run simultaneously, could it crash?
I opened the error logs in order to find the redundant coding. Here are the code I have seen more than twice in my log, in order of importance:
-opkE, pkE, xSoX, 7UoX, Engine 13d8, 3PDorPDo, EeRo, UXDo, BvMm, pe5w.
(to be honnest, I thought I could link those with some raw coding from units/abilities/etc... I've been using ctrl+f to look around and found nothing relevant.
Program: c:\program files\warcraft iii\War3.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:6F430C91
The instruction at '0x6F430C91' referenced memory at '0x00000020'.
The memory could not be 'read'.
That is what it looks like (most of the times)
I hope I provided enough informations. I really need help badly... Any clue would do. I have been investigating for the past 2 months and am feeling kind of depressed now about those crashes.