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Raiders of the Ravenwood

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Level 7
Jul 24, 2008
Raiders of the Ravenwood
Creators - Blackcrown

Map Progress: (0%) |||||||||| (100%)


The Green Dragon of Ravenwood-

"Come close my children of this forest, come close to your earth mother, accept these gifts I leave here before you. These gifts you will need, before anything more can be done, this beautiful valley full of luscious green forests and blooming meadows, your home, and mine. will be shrouded in violence, death and destruction."

"You my children, you must take up in arms and assemble yourselves in preparation, for an invasion from across the northern most mountains. These invaders will devourer these lands and consume all in their passing. You are all that can defend these woods now."

"The fate of these ancient woods is in your hands, I cannot aid you against these invaders any more than I already have. I must travel south and seek council with the elder drakes on this matter. You must remember though, if my shrine is to remain unclaimed these lands will remain barren and rot."

Summary: Raiders defend the Shrine of Ravenwood while forced to harvest massive amounts of lumber ultimately clear cutting the forest. Builders retreat into the forest and establish a base-town to coordinate the capture of the Ravenwood Shrine before the Raiders get a chance to attack their base.

Builders: The objective of the builder is to survive the onslaught of the raiders, construct a base to conduct a counter-attack to capture the Shrine of Ravenwood from the raiders, declaring the builders victor. The player is allowed to choose one of seven different builder races, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Then the player can control this builder-hero who will act as the players "Main character".
Without this builder-hero the player cannot construct any new structures and ultimately loses the game.
(Gathers Wood from trees and Gold from taxes, generated by structures)

Selectable builder races:

Raiders: The objective of the raider is to unleash an unrelenting slaughter upon the inhabitants of Ravenwood, establish their base and hunt down the builders before they can regroup and retaliate. Then the player can control the builder-hero who will act as the players "Main character". The raiders have to defend the Shrine from the builders as-well as defend it from creeps spawned to attack the raiders base.
Without this builder-hero the player cannot construct any new structures and ultimately loses the game.
(Gathers Wood from trees(x3) and Gold from killing enemy units)

(Raiders can only be human)

Summary: Heroes will be one major focus points of gameplay; each race will have a rich selection of abilities to choose from, a variety of Area of Effect, Knock-back, Stunning and Silencing abilities as-well as Auras, Buffs and Healing abilities. The idea is to make as many of these abilities multi-target as possible without over balancing the game one way.

Builders: The player is allowed to choose one of seven different builder races at the beginning of the game, once chosen the game will spawn a "Blank" builder-hero, this allows the player to choose three out of six available abilities, with every ability uniquely designed for each race. Depending on the chosen race, the types of abilities available change. Some races are "Shamanistic" and cannot cast combative spells such as fireball, or thunder-chain. While other races are "Mystic" and are unable to cast summoning or nature spells, such as summon spirit wolf and root entangle.

Spell Examples:
Bash (Push back, AoE,) Orc
Throw Blinding Powder (Stun, AoE) Troll
Rain of Arrows (AoE, Stun,) Elf
Tidal Push (Knock back, AoE) Murloc
Release Caged Rats (Summoning) Centaur
Static Armor (Aura) Gnoll
Root Entangle (Stun, AoE) Furbolg

(Each race will have at least one unique AoE, Stun, Buff and a Aura to choose from)

Raiders: The player is allowed to choose one of three main hero-types before selecting abilities. The player must choose between The Call of the Warrior, The Call of the Magician, The Call of the Hunter. depending on which of these is selected, determines what abilities are available for the "Blank" builder-hero. There will be a selection of eight abilities to each hero-type for ability customization.

Summon Wolves; Wolf-Lord Summons (1/2/3/4) wolves for 60 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
Summon Den Mother; Wolf-Lord Summons one large and strong wolf. Only one allowed at a time, last until death. Has flee ability. Cooldown: 360 seconds.
Bash; Wolf-Lord bashes ground, damanges and stuns units withen range. Stun lasts (2/3/4/6). Cooldown: 120 seconds.
Heavy Strike; Wolf-Lord targets one unit and deals moderate damage with a 10% chance to critical strike. Slows target for (1/2/3/5) seconds. Cooldown: 90 seconds.
Throw Hammer; Wolf-Lord throws a projectile that strikes and bounces between targets (2/3/4/6) weakening after each strike. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
War Howl; Increases nearby units damage and movement speed, each level increases Damage# and Movement#. Cooldown: Aura
War Cry; Increases nearby units health and armor, each level increases Health# and Armor#. Cooldown: Aura
Sprint; Wolf-Lord goes into a frenzy and movment increases (4% 8% 12% 20%) faster for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

---Coming ASAP---

Rain of Arrows; Ranger shoots arrows over an area, causing damage and slight movement speed on affected targets (3% 6% 10% 15%) speed decrease for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
Multi-Shot; Ranger shoots a wave of arrows causing damage with a (3% 6% 9% 12%) chance to critical strike on affected units. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
Pulverizing-Shot; Ranger fires at a single target, dealing moderate damage and stunning the target for (2/4/7/12) seconds. Cooldown: 90 seconds.
Snaring Trap; Ranger places down a trap that when walked over activates and decreases affected units movement speed by 6% for (4/6/8/12) seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds. Traps duration: 60 seconds.
Ambush; Ranger vanishes for 30 seconds during the day, or night; along with (2/4/7/10) nearby allied units. Vanished units cannot move or attack without order, when ordered to attack out of ambush their first attack damage is double, with 5% chance critical strike. Cooldown: 180 seconds. Vanish Duration: 90 seconds.
Moon Song; Ranger sings a soothing song that restores (10% 15% 20% 30%) of overall HP along with (20% 25% 30% 40%) overall MP. Cooldown: 240 seconds.
Keepers Grace; Ranger and allied units gain beneficial aura that increases HP and MP regeneration rates by (2% 4% 8% 12%). Cooldown: Aura.
Rush; Ranger and nearby allied units in range, reviece 25% movment speed for (5/8/12/16) seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds.

---Coming ASAP---

---Coming ASAP---

---Coming ASAP---

---Coming ASAP---

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Level 7
Jul 24, 2008
Reserved for pictures, screen shots and downloads.

Change log:
-Updated various texts, Human building screenshots and Orc ability examples.(07/18/11)
-Updated various texts, Elven ability examples.(07/19/11)





Gameplay Models:


  1. Axeman
  2. Swordsman
  3. Captian
  4. Spearman
  5. Archer
  6. Ranger
  7. Cleric
  8. Battle Cleric
  9. Aprentice
  10. Master
  11. Worker
  12. Hero
List of models using so far:

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I love this idea specially that you are one of few who dosent dragons as evil :). And my favorite part is HUMANS ARE EVIL since that's how it's in real life :). And since we dont got so much yet it's really the most I can give you :S

Oh and I'm really looking forward to see the murloc race ;)
Level 7
Jul 24, 2008
I love this idea specially that you are one of few who does not use dragons as evil. And my favorite part is HUMANS ARE EVIL. since that's how it's in real life. And since we don't have so many yet it's really the most I can give you :S

Oh and I'm really looking forward to see the murloc race

Indeed, well If i am not mistaken in original Warcraft lore the dragons were created to protect Azeroth and its inhabitants. Of course until the humans showed up and started building empires. (Actually it was the High-Elves that first started building empires and f##king everything up, but whatever)

I've updated the second post with a picture of the maps current status, showing how I'm setting up the pathing playing field of the game.
Please comment on the lay-out and size of the playing field.
(If anyone is interested I can upload a WiP version of the map for download)

And to correct your lore I dont really think highelves are the ones to blame since night elves populated bigger areas then the high elves. However I would blame the humans since they took all of eastern kingdoms exept for Khaz Modan. (Yes they tried to murder all bloodelves and take Quel'Thalas but was stopped by the ranger general Sylvanas Windrunner.)

True, true but that is only in recent years of Azeroth. The eastern Kingdoms and Kalmidor use to be one continent until the High-elves and their addiction to mana brought the burning legion into Azeroth, leaving them with the only option to destroy their most sacred temple and create the mighty meal-storm which now stands in the middle of Azeroth.

And no, I no longer play World of Warcraft, but I LOVE the warcraft series and the lore behind it.
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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well since you are making a forest as far as I can see I would suggest Ashenvale layout and you should make the map size atleast 160x160 but dont make it bigger then 224x224 or it will just get to big.

And to correct your lore I dont really think highelves are the ones to blame since night elves populated bigger areas then the high elves. However I would blame the humans since they took all of eastern kingdoms exept for Khaz Modan. (Yes they tried to murder all bloodelves and take Quel'Thalas but was stopped by the ranger general Sylvanas Windrunner.)
Level 7
Jul 24, 2008
Well since you are making a forest as far as I can see I would suggest Ashenvale layout and you should make the map size atleast 160x160 but dont make it bigger then 224x224 or it will just get to big.

I am using the Ashenvale tile-set along with a few custom Ashenvale based environment models to enhance the terrain. The map size is 224x160 and will have a maximum of eight players. I posted pictures of the current map above.

2v6 or 2v2v2 or FFA (2v6 only mode with Raiders)

(I commented on the lore in the post above :3)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
The screenshots look really nice, and I hope you're using rolling shores. But since it all is taken in one screenshot it's really hard to see and I cant really give you much feedback.
Level 7
Jul 24, 2008
Alright, I will post more up close pictures when I start working on the environment.
("I hope you're using rolling shores")(?????)(What is that)(?????)

Right now I am trying to work out a nice, balanced and fun playing field. with plenty of open bases with various access routes. Making sure no one base has a significant advantage over another. That is why I posted the top view with half of it showing the pathing map, and the other not. So you could tell what was walk-able and what wasn't. :cute:
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Ok if I ask you this then. What function in terrein palate are you using to make water, decrese x or lower since lower will make realistic looking shores and decrese x will not.
Level 7
Jul 24, 2008

Ok if I were to ask you this then, What function in the terrain palate are you using to make water? decrease X or lower X? since lower X will make realistic looking shores and decrease X will not.

Now I understand what you we're asking, yes I of course use rolling shores to make water-ways. Since Blizzard cliffs are the ugliest things in the editor. I updated my second post above with new screenshots of the current status of the terrain. You can see how I use the raise and lower tool to create my mountain boundaries and rivers.

I'll post more screenshots of the terrain when I've completed more bases. Right now I'm working on larger environmental doodads such as walls, sautes, ruins and staircases.

I posted the eight abilities the Orc race will have available to choose from in the beta version.

I posted a screen shot of the Human buildings along with their eleven trainable units. Once I've structures the other races more I will add more units into the raiders selection.
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Level 7
Jul 24, 2008
Look in the model list in the second post. :cute:

I am recording all the models currently being used in the map there, you can find model examples along with the Hive-workshop profile link.
(All models are from www.Hiveworkshop.com)

-Updated Elven ability examples.(07/19/11)
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