Questions and suggestions

Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Do you have any questions or suggestions? Or you just want to say something about the Oakwood Forest ORPG? Then post it here!
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Level 8
Apr 16, 2008
I just wanna say... that it looks interesting? (first post yay). The name reminds me of Everwood RPG, which is also coming out on WC3. Also, I like the terrain, but some parts are really plain, though most of it is awesome. (first post yay.) I wish you and the staff good luck with the map.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
I just wanna say... that it looks interesting? (first post yay). The name reminds me of Everwood RPG, which is also coming out on WC3. Also, I like the terrain, but some parts are really plain, though most of it is awesome. (first post yay.) I wish you and the staff good luck with the map.

Ah thanks,
but which screenshots do you call plain? Since I'm reterraining a littlebit atm.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
What do you mean by creating characters? How? Their models or attributes or abilities? Please explain a bit.

Basically thinking of how I want their playstyle to be. I posted 3 different classes in here already with detailed information about their playstyle. This is where I'm thinking of usually. Not just spells that do their role good but spells that work better if you know how to play to make skilled and experience players better then players that are playing for the first time.

So basically its about the abilities. I got all the models already (few from hive and most of them from blizzard).

Things that inspired me alot are WoW and Warhammer Online since it's actually the kind of "classplay" I'm looking for. In WoW people are always thinking about the best talent build for the best damage output, so it's not just mindless ability spamming. I want people to do the same in here. Like for the berserker class; is it wise to stack alot of rage? or to spend it fast?

That's basically where I'm talking about when I say 'working on characters'.
Level 3
Mar 30, 2009
I looked around and I think I can't add in suggestions for classes anywhere but here, so I figured I'd shoot one here.

Death knight. My only suggestion. Zealot looks awesome, but it's not quite what I'm looking for.

If you want, I could even help with the major points of the death knight class and many of the smaller ones. I used to come here a lot, but I stopped a bit ago. I dunno why. But I'm back and ready to dish out some ideas.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
I looked around and I think I can't add in suggestions for classes anywhere but here, so I figured I'd shoot one here.

Death knight. My only suggestion. Zealot looks awesome, but it's not quite what I'm looking for.

If you want, I could even help with the major points of the death knight class and many of the smaller ones. I used to come here a lot, but I stopped a bit ago. I dunno why. But I'm back and ready to dish out some ideas.

So far we only released 2 of the Defiler classes ( Swordmaster and Zealot ) but there are ofc 6 more comming. However I'm really busy with school atm but soon I can start working on Oakwood again! RaiN is also doing a great job on triggers atm but he's a littlebit slowed down beause of me atm... will be solved soon.
Level 3
Mar 30, 2009
Alright. Sounds all good. I can't wait to play this game. :D

But yeah, if you want some help with mapping out the death knight class, come to me. I've got a unique view on death knights and it normally makes them rather versatile.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
I got a hero suggestion, an Crafter hero that can make items for other hero, or maybe upgrade items and then give them to other people.

The map looks awesome! I cant wait till it come out!!!

I mean it
U dont believe me dont you?

Yeah well that's maybe a better idea for a profession, if we ever get to work on proffs.:D:D Won't promise anything, but profs is something you won't see in the near future. Maybe very later after the game has been released already.
Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
I had an idea for a new class: Cleric.

Cleric: The god touched warriors of the Gryphonwing alliance. They harbour complete hatred towards The Defilers, and are hostile towards the Bloodbane clan.


Divine Shock -

The Cleric calls down a bolt of holy energy, dealing damage to the main target, and splash damage to other enemy units around the target.

Cast: Instant

Hymn of life -
The Cleric summons holy magic to heal the target.

Cast: Instant

Holy might -

Increases the Clerics armor, attack speed, and critical chance by 5%.

Cast: Passive

Purify - Removes any debuffs from the target. Heals for 2 seconds if it is an unholy debuff.

Cast: casting
Circle of healing - The Cleric conjures a circle of holy magic, healing friendly units.

Ultimate (??): Strike of Justice:

The Cleric smashes the enemy with so much force that it does Holy damage for 10 more seconds. It also stuns the enemy for 3 seconds.

Cast: Instant

Holy volley -

The Cleric channels several healing volleys to heal the target.

Cast: Channel

Divine Spirit -

The Cleric summons a Divine spirit, which constantly casts a healing AoE spell.

Exorcism -

The Cleric casts a holy blast, dealing massive damage to the target

Cast: casting

Spiritual might -

The Cleric gets increased healing power.

Cast type: Passive

Holy infusion -

The Cleric gets increased attacking power. Lasts 10 seconds.

Cast type: passive (??)

Too much spells? Sorry if the cleric is OP.

Edit: NOOOO, Redeemer class D:
Level 3
Sep 8, 2009
This is going to bee one of the most great orpg-s in wrcr3 my friends (that not usually play other maps Exept DOTA)will like that too i think go on man
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
This is going to bee one of the most great orpg-s in wrcr3 my friends (that not usually play other maps Exept DOTA)will like that too i think go on man

Haha thanks alot!!
Comments like yours improve my lust for mapmaking more and more:)
Today I had a bit of an off-day with creating but just decided to start and play the game. Leveled multiple characters from level 1 to 4 (because didn't add more quests to go further) and loved it myself already.:grin: Just gotta hope it's lovely for others aswel.
Level 3
Nov 7, 2007
How about models? Why not using custom model. Will be more interresting. Also if it possible, item-model-effect. Like if we wear an armor, our hero will have added some armor wearing on him.

Items? Use random moddifiers on items every time it drop from monster. Take the real Diablo 2 as an example. Because if every player can have same item, it will be kinda boring. More randomness is nice.

Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
How about models? Why not using custom model. Will be more interresting. Also if it possible, item-model-effect. Like if we wear an armor, our hero will have added some armor wearing on him.

Items? Use random moddifiers on items every time it drop from monster. Take the real Diablo 2 as an example. Because if every player can have same item, it will be kinda boring. More randomness is nice.


I suppose you didn't read all the posts in this subforum.
Anyways. We got tons of custom models, skins and special effects.
We wont use item models because that is too complicated if you use 24 different hero models and will take too much mapspace.
About the item drops. OFC there will be a random modifier for that lol. That's one of the RPG basics actually, and I would suggest you to check out other posts before mentioning those suggestions because obviously we already got those things in the map:)
Level 3
Nov 7, 2007
That's great, sorry didn't read much yet. It's fine with the item models.
But actually most of RPG I've seen so far they just have same item. Every player can get one.
Yeah I will slowly check out other posts.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Our item system works like this.
Weapons have restrictions so that mean's a Sage (spellcaster) can't equip big fat 2 handed axes and melee fighters won't use wands.
Armor won't have restrictions in Oakwood, but armor has a certain weight. A spellcaster usually can't carry much weight, so if she wants to be fully equipped she gotta equip light armor (cloth). She could also equip a heavy plated item but that will cost so much weight that in order to use it she has to drop off 4 other cloth parts.
So it's up to the player how you 'dress/equip' your character.