I just wanna say... that it looks interesting? (first post yay). The name reminds me of Everwood RPG, which is also coming out on WC3. Also, I like the terrain, but some parts are really plain, though most of it is awesome. (first post yay.) I wish you and the staff good luck with the map.
What do you mean by creating characters? How? Their models or attributes or abilities? Please explain a bit.
I looked around and I think I can't add in suggestions for classes anywhere but here, so I figured I'd shoot one here.
Death knight. My only suggestion. Zealot looks awesome, but it's not quite what I'm looking for.
If you want, I could even help with the major points of the death knight class and many of the smaller ones. I used to come here a lot, but I stopped a bit ago. I dunno why. But I'm back and ready to dish out some ideas.
I got a hero suggestion, an Crafter hero that can make items for other hero, or maybe upgrade items and then give them to other people.
The map looks awesome! I cant wait till it come out!!!
I mean itU dont believe me dont you?
"wall of text"
This is going to bee one of the most great orpg-s in wrcr3 my friends (that not usually play other maps Exept DOTA)will like that too i think go on man
How about models? Why not using custom model. Will be more interresting. Also if it possible, item-model-effect. Like if we wear an armor, our hero will have added some armor wearing on him.
Items? Use random moddifiers on items every time it drop from monster. Take the real Diablo 2 as an example. Because if every player can have same item, it will be kinda boring. More randomness is nice.