Hello Hiveworkshop.
Been a long time, first off thanks for the help in the past it has been truly helpful, thanks.
Not certain whether this topic is placed correctly, if it is feel free to move it.
The main question is regarding the map "WoW Arena Allstars 4.0c" by Catze:
Have been searching for the tier 2 paladin model he/she uses for the blood elf retribution paladin, but have been unable to find it, despite seeing it once somewhere.
Would be ideal to ask Catze about it, but as it appears like he/she was last online in 2011 one figured that it wouldn't be that helpful.
Now if anyone would know where to find this model one would be truly grateful for that information.
In any event thanks for your time and enjoy your day.
Take care of yourself.
Best of Greetings
Been a long time, first off thanks for the help in the past it has been truly helpful, thanks.
Not certain whether this topic is placed correctly, if it is feel free to move it.
The main question is regarding the map "WoW Arena Allstars 4.0c" by Catze:
Have been searching for the tier 2 paladin model he/she uses for the blood elf retribution paladin, but have been unable to find it, despite seeing it once somewhere.
Would be ideal to ask Catze about it, but as it appears like he/she was last online in 2011 one figured that it wouldn't be that helpful.
Now if anyone would know where to find this model one would be truly grateful for that information.
In any event thanks for your time and enjoy your day.
Take care of yourself.
Best of Greetings