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Question about spell system

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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Ok, so what I was first thinking for my map was a spell selection system where you have 8 spells to choose from, and takes 4 out of them. However, the spells are linked two and two so if you pick one spell, the one linked to it will disappear, unabling it to be taken. Basically there are 2 spells for first button slot, 2 spells for second, 2 for third and 2 ultimates to choose from.

Then it came to my mind.. just from the BETA I am going to have 20 Heroes, and 8 spells for each Hero, thats 160 spells. And making a system for this might be a pain in the a**. Ontop of making these 160 spells, it would require an additional 160 "spells" in the menu for each Hero to choose from when selecting their spells.


Then I came to my second thought, making 160 spells is possible, will take time, but it can be worth it to make something a little bit unique for an AoS map. I thought about giving each Hero 2 finnished builds, so when you select your Hero you get up a window with 2 buttons, choosing your spell build.


Now the question is, how hard is it to make the first thought I had? Is it possible? Is it worth the time? Should I go for the 2 finnished build setup? Or should I just make 40 Heroes instead?

What do you think?

Thanks for any help or advise on this :)
Level 13
Mar 16, 2008
Well, it would take some time but it's possible.
Most times there are shops used for this to sell the abilities.
Just remove the othe spellr from the shop when it's sold.
If used with vJass you could create structs for each ability that has the shop/other ability inside to find it faster.
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
How about lag and map size, will these be heavily affected if I use this system?

Also, when shops "sells" spells, what do they sell exactly? upgrades which grants Heroes their abilities or?
Level 13
Mar 16, 2008
I'm not fully sure but I think most times they sell dummy-items. Item removed, ability added. However, I'm not sure if the game will desync if items are removed localy from a vendor. Since the item wont do anything it "should" work.
Lag shouldn't be a problem at all. While picking those ability it will lag unless you preload 160 spells. However, preloading 160 spells will reload in pretty long loading times.
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Ok, thank you for the help :) thing is I can't do this system on my own, and there is a large risk no one here wants to spend the time needed to make this work.
Also, these kind of maps have to go fast with loading and such, like DotA, so the question is, would my second thought be a better idea? With two finnished builds to choose from.

What do you personally think?
Level 9
Dec 12, 2007
from what i manage to understand from your words,
i think its possible to use your first idea, with several conditions:
first, the preload should be done after the hero is chosen, not at map init, so you don't have to preload all "160" abilities.
second, about whether the game will desync because of removing item from the vendor locally, i think it won't happen if:
1. the vendor is created for each player, or
2. the spell selection system is based on spellbook manipulation, so the spell is selected via the hero, not by vendor. but this method will definitely takes a huge amount of time and might be boring as you need to create lots of abilities just for one Hero.

and yes, like Justify said, it would be better if built on vJass. you do have and use it don't you?
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
actually I am not very familiar with vjass, but the thing is I want to learn but dont know how. I can't find any good tutorials on how to learn it :/ so for the time being I have to rely on other people, which I understand might not be possible with such a time consuming system.
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