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[Spell] Question About Spell

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Level 9
Apr 30, 2010
Guys, i'm currently making an orpg.. idk whether want to make 5 spells each classes(by classify those spell as Hero Abilities) or 11 spells each classes (by using Spellbook and classify them as Unit Abilities).. I'm having problem with 11 spells.. i don't know how to make the hero learn or level up the ability.. I want the class buy the ability from shop to learn and level up the ability.. (By using lumber as skill point)

How to make those? i need it in GUI ( so i can configure it by myself)
Level 10
Jun 6, 2007
You can increase the level on an ability inside a spellbook just as you would do without a spellbook. You could make an item to be consumed automatically (in object editor), and then use event "unit uses an item" and action "increase level of ability for unit".
Level 9
Apr 30, 2010
Maybe with a dialog. It can show 11 buttons. Or have another unit that has a spell book with 11 spells. When it begins casting an ability, level up a spell for the other unit.

Can you explain it in detail? So i need to create a unit and set the unit as "worker" so i can see the unit's icon? How to make the worker available or unavailable to cast the ability to upgrade the ability of the main hero? Can you post a test map? Sorry for bothering you.. :goblin_cry:
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
Sorry, I don't have time to post a test map.

Basically you link ability A with ability B with a hashtable. When the dummy casts ability A, you level up ability B for the hero if you have enough skill points. Or you can disable the dummy abilities altogether with Player - disable ability.
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