has anyone made their own vJass quest system yet? im making my own but im really low on time (considering i only get about 2 hours of freetime a day, +- chill days like today) and its kinda hard
and when i say a quest system i mean like
(above is how im planning my quest system...
and when i say a quest system i mean like
local Quest q = Quest.createQuest()
call q.addKill(udg_BanditLord,)
call q.nextLevel
call q.addKillType('nplm', 10)
call q.nextLevel
call q.interact(udg_NPC)
call q.nextLevelEnd
call q.rewardGold(1000)
call q.rewardItem('npal')
set quests[0] = q
local group g = CreateGroup()
call GroupAddUnit(g, udg_Hero)
call quests[0].start(g)
call BJDebugMsg(I2S(q.currentLevel))
(above is how im planning my quest system...