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Que unit animation by index

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Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
Hello there and thank you for reading my thread!

After using a custom script such as: "call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_TempUnit, 23" I would like to que a standing animation by index so that my unit doesn't look frozen after my animation. I cannot use Animation - Que (MyUnit)'s stand animation because my model has different standing animations for different animation-sets and I don't have a clue which names they have, just their ID.

Is there a custom script just like call SetUnitAnimationByIndex but more like call QueUnitAnimationByIndex?

+4 rep to helpers! ;)

Thank you have a great day.
Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
There is no such function. The only function with "queue" for unit animations are QueueUnitAnimation and QueueUnitAnimationBJ which are basically the same and both use strings.
You could use the Set function, when your first animation ends. If you know the length of this animation, you can use "SetUnitAnimationByIndex" this duration after the animation started for example.
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