Q W E R ability key

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Level 9
Sep 20, 2015
hello, i am making a map where the hero controlled by a player cna choose his abilities from a shop. i made items to add the abilities to the hero. But i want them to be easily casted by pressing the Q W E R buttons. So there is a way to give the Q shortkey to the first ability that is bought and W to the second and so on? The only way to do it for me is to create 4 abilities for each ability like, StormBoltQ StormBoltW StormBoltE and so on. There is another way to do this?
If you are adding abilities based on the user's discretion, prepare for an impossible-to-balance scenario.

What you could do, though, is group similar abilities. Ultimate on R, most-often castable spells on Q, auras or buffs on W, supportive or supplementary on E. For example:

Death Knight>
Q Death Coil
W Unholy Aura
E Death Pact
R Animate Dead

Q Frost Nova
W Frost Armor
E Dark Ritual

Dark Ranger>
Q Black Arrows
W Silence
E Life Drain
R Charm

This way, you don't end up with nasty scenarios like a hero having a bunch of nukes (coil, nova, carrion, storm bolt) or a bunch of self-buffs (evasion, spiked carapace, eginering upgade, Avatar) or unlimited mana (siphon, brilliance aura, dark ritual, combined with some mana-heavy thing like immolation or mana shield)
Level 16
Mar 27, 2011
If you are adding abilities based on the user's discretion, prepare for an impossible-to-balance scenario.

What you could do, though, is group similar abilities. Ultimate on R, most-often castable spells on Q, auras or buffs on W, supportive or supplementary on E....
This way, you don't end up with nasty scenarios like a hero having a bunch of nukes (coil, nova, carrion, storm bolt) or a bunch of self-buffs (evasion, spiked carapace, eginering upgade, Avatar) or unlimited mana (siphon, brilliance aura, dark ritual, combined with some mana-heavy thing like immolation or mana shield)

This is a great idea. I think custom Hero Line Wars did this. You picked 1 ability from the first shop which was put into your Q slot and if you had picked an ability, you could teleport to the next shop and pick your W ability and so on.

I think this is the only way to do it. Even if you gave up on the Q W E R format and used random letters like DOTA, you would only have enough characters for 26 abilities (or about 22 or so because a few are reserved for Attack, Stop, Move, etc). You probably need more than that.
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