Hello Guys, maybe you remember me. I'm back.
I'm working on a Survival map and needed a pumpkin item model, so I searched for a model in the database and found a nice one, but with halloween eyes and big custom texture. It was from 2004 and in the description it said, that it's free to edit without credits. Looks like it was once made by someone called R2D2.
Nevertheless, I re-imported it to Milkshape 3D Studio, optimised mesh and retextured with ingame textures.
Now it has low file size, no nasty eyes, no big custom texture and it looks natural.
Ideal for my realistic survival map.
This has no animations because it's an item or a doodad. It has a Portrait though.
Nothing special, but it might be useful to someone.
I recommend using NFWar's pumkin icon:
The icon is beautiful and NFWar is one of my favourite icon artists.
Greets chilla_killa
pumpkin, pumkin, fruit, vegetable, food, eat, survival, wilderness, halloween, haloween, rpg, berry