Hi, I'm still fairly new with World Editor, and I'm constantly learning new things, I've played around with Triggers, but I'm not the best at it. I am currently making a Footmen War map (I know there are a shit load of them, but only one or two are actually worth playing) I'm pretty good at balancing units and spells. I know how to create Items/Spells/units/upgrades/buffs and effects pretty well. I'm good at making understandable and very nice looking tool tips (I hate games where there is tons of slang use in the tooltips, and when they NEVER explain what the hell the item/spell/unit or whatever does. It really pushes my buttons ) So with all that said, I'm trying to make a very nice map with lots of customization. I also want to learn how to make a loading screen that has a black background with text on it about the map and such, but also has a minimap and the players loading... that is a very nice addition. I got very inspired about this idea from Footmen Frenzy, there were so many things that were great in it, but a few things that really ticked me off.
The Propostion is: I need someone to do almost all of the triggering for the map, I'll be sure to use this as a very good time to learn a thing or two about triggering my self. You are welcome to help with any balancing or item/hero/unit/spell/upgrades that you would like. You will get 50% of the credit, and I'll be sure to make you (or a choice of yours) a hero in the game. (EX: Instead of Soopa Level 1, you could be like "Champion Level 1" or whatever you want the hero class to be.) For that hero you will get to choose as many names as you want, and the spells and skills!
To reach me...
You can post here, PM me, or try to contact me via MSN or E-mail...
[email protected] OR
[email protected]
(I use both...)
Thats pretty much it, Thanks for you time!
- Soopa
The Propostion is: I need someone to do almost all of the triggering for the map, I'll be sure to use this as a very good time to learn a thing or two about triggering my self. You are welcome to help with any balancing or item/hero/unit/spell/upgrades that you would like. You will get 50% of the credit, and I'll be sure to make you (or a choice of yours) a hero in the game. (EX: Instead of Soopa Level 1, you could be like "Champion Level 1" or whatever you want the hero class to be.) For that hero you will get to choose as many names as you want, and the spells and skills!
To reach me...
You can post here, PM me, or try to contact me via MSN or E-mail...
[email protected] OR
[email protected]
(I use both...)
Thats pretty much it, Thanks for you time!
- Soopa