Hello fellow map makers, this is Doomaker posting three projects that I am making. Also a small preview Darkiller is making too.
Doom TD
A small map TD for 6 players with extras to give boosts to players, like special upgrades and et cetra.
Chaos Chronicles-[Title TBA]
An rpg based in the world of Malygoth, the events make hell look hospitable, and only the chosen few can break the curse. Multiplayer and Single Player.
Lands of War Preview [Darkiller's Porject]
A cinematic with two nations blinedly plunging themselves into war, but behind their royalty, lies a traitorous figurine.
If you have projects and would liekt hem to be supported [must be your original idea] then mail the game name and stats to [email protected] and we will post it on our site [upon completion] and a response, with amongst other things, will be mailed back. Thank you and have a good day !
Doom TD
A small map TD for 6 players with extras to give boosts to players, like special upgrades and et cetra.
Chaos Chronicles-[Title TBA]
An rpg based in the world of Malygoth, the events make hell look hospitable, and only the chosen few can break the curse. Multiplayer and Single Player.
Lands of War Preview [Darkiller's Porject]
A cinematic with two nations blinedly plunging themselves into war, but behind their royalty, lies a traitorous figurine.
If you have projects and would liekt hem to be supported [must be your original idea] then mail the game name and stats to [email protected] and we will post it on our site [upon completion] and a response, with amongst other things, will be mailed back. Thank you and have a good day !