Progress Bar while Uploading

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Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Hey everyone,

Currently I was wondering if it was possible if we would have a progress bar on how the upload is currently going. Usually I would upload my tool, but I don't really know where it is up to, and usually my internet disconnects but in milliseconds (but you can still see it). Usually it turns out fine, but I wondered having a meter on where it is up to could be handy (also applies to uploading models, icons etc...).

Just like Youtube, it would show a progress bar of where it is up to when it is uploading (my brother does this). Could this be possible on here?

Andy Phan (pha0001).
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Hey everyone,

Currently I was wondering if it was possible if we would have a progress bar on how the upload is currently going. Usually I would upload my tool, but I don't really know where it is up to, and usually my internet disconnects but in milliseconds (but you can still see it). Usually it turns out fine, but I wondered having a meter on where it is up to could be handy (also applies to uploading models, icons etc...).

Just like Youtube, it would show a progress bar of where it is up to when it is uploading (my brother does this). Could this be possible on here?

Andy Phan (pha0001).

Sometimes, on your lower browser tab, there's a loading bar.

*Nod nod*
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
In any case the biggest thing we upload here is campaigns, which might go up to 80Mb.

Uploading is also bad for me because of the huge file and every time I upload something bigger with my own computer everything just freezes. Luckily I have my lap top that works 100% and super fast internet. An upload bar could be useful, but not necessary.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Hmm... Its true that it isn't necessary but I thought it might be useful so that I can become informed instead of waiting until it finishes loading.

56k is a myth. It doesn't exist anymore.
Yes it still does; you can buy prepaid dial-up cards which give you a similar speed of 56k using a telephone line and a 56k modem. I quit using it because it didn't suit my needs anyway.

Sometimes, on your lower browser tab, there's a loading bar.

*Nod nod*
Where? Never seen it, but okay. All I know which tells me its finished is when it is still loading, and that takes me a while because my internet isn't good at uploading things but it depends. I agree its useful, but I don't think we need it if it doesn't need to otherwise.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
56kb isnt a myth. I hav 45kbps!! Really.
I had something like that and my internet was crappy so I used download accelerators and tweaked up my internet settings. I sort of have faster internet, and dial-up still exists. I used to have 52kpbs, and it is rather slow. Now I use wireless with some decent speed.

Pre-paid dial-up cards are there too if you want to do it manually and just type it in directly, read to use; not hard to set-up, really except a telephone line, a port to connect and a modem (I got mine internally in my laptop).

I think a loading bar would be useful.

Thanks, I put it up because my internet isn't really that fast, so probably a progress on how it is going would be nice ;) .
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
I wonder where is Ralle... I do think it is a good idea, but it will depend if he wants it or not. :D .



Level 3
Jun 20, 2009
Loading bar for pastebing makes sense, actually, for large files. But not the ressource/map section.

If they add a pastebin progress bar...

Sooner or later, people will ask for a progress bar on those sections.

Besides, a progress bar is better than nothing...
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
I'm agreeing that is so, so I wouldn't expect a immediate change on uploading. If it does, cool. I don't see any side-effects, but great for those who have slower-internet or those who want to know progress.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The files this place deals with are so small such a thing is pointless.

Like mentioned the biggest are 100 MB campaigns which are rare and sometimes need special permission. This is greatly different from youtubes 1GB+ submissions by 10 times the time. Maybe for SC2 as files will be bigger will it be considered.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Neither is dial-up. :p

I'm pretty sure that this cannot be done. It's something you should ask the developers of your web browser.
Building the progress bar may be difficult in this case, however I have done some research in interpreting of the progress while uploading through Flash. I have seem it done, but I'm not sure if it would be possible in this case.

It may seem hard, but I think this could be done.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
If youtube and gmail can do it, then it must be possible.

The thing is, the only guys here who can work on stuff like this are ghan and ralle and they've both got a whole bunch of other projects that are much more important.
With that information said, it might take time and the administrators can only do this. Think they must be busy at this time, I'm sure a couple more are. Sounds correct overall.
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