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Problem with Thunder Clap Effects

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Level 17
Apr 24, 2005
I made a custom spell from thunder clap and removed the animation lines so the unit would stand still when casting it, and changed the art - caster to the wisps detonation. Now My problem is that the dmg and ground shake effect comes 1 sec before the detonation effect. How to make them come at the same time?
Level 4
Oct 20, 2007
Make it triggered.
So do something like this: Event: Unit starts effect of an ability
Condition: Ability equal to thunder clap
Action: Wait 1sec
Action: Special Effect, make wisp detonate at the point of caster
Action: Remove last created special effect.
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
>.< thing you said is opposite

Hmm export wisp detonate model
open with war3 model editor
Windows-> sequence manager
there must be one sequence on that
There is a
Start (or from I dont remember the one determines starting frame): <somenumber>
To: <somenumber>

make start thing closer to end (increase it for short) than test from animation manager

save and import

Other way ???

You can make deformation and damage appear later too with triggers
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