Problem converting MDX to M3

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Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Hi. I'm trying to convert some of my WC3 models to SC2. I followed these instructions and used these plugins.

I'm following the instructions exactly. But here's the problem. When I try to set the model's material to SC2 Material:

So now we must push the M button on the keyboard to bring up the Material menu. We need to change the materials of the model to Starcraft 2. How to do this is simple click on the Standard button right beside the 01-Default text, a menu pops up and you pick Starcraft 2 out of the list.

I see no "Starcraft 2" option in th falling list (only "01-Default") when i edit the model's material. Even though I do have "" extracted in my Plugins direstory, as required.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Still no response? Gotta love this forum.

Come on people, I'm having an issue running a 3DS Max plugin here and you say nothing? Where are all the 3DS Max users now?

Oh, and browsing SC2 Mapster didn't really help. They have every bit of informtion about MDX <-> M3, but not that.
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