First map that I'm releasing. Its a co-op escape mission where you try to get out of a night elf underground prison, and kill Maive Shadowsong in roughly 10 minutes before the whole place gets overran by enforcers. The first player is Illidan and the second player is Kael'thas.
Each character has a starting ability and 15 points to spend on the 5 other abilities(each of which can have 5 points put into them).
[F]Howl of Terror(starter)- decreases enemy damage by 100% while increasing enemy armor for 15 sec.
[Passive]Critical Strike- Gains a Critical hit, and Dodge chance.
[Q]Berserk- Increases attack speed and damage taken for 12 sec.
[W]Wind Walk- goes invisible for a short time dealing damage on the first strike.
[E]Deadly Kidney shot- Melee range damage and stun
[R]Blink- Short teleport.
[Passive]Way of the Phoenix(starter)- When Keal'thas dies he will be reborn after 2.5 seconds, this has a long cooldown.
[F]Bouncing Bomb- Deals damage and goes to a nearby enemy do deal slightly less damage.
[Q]Inner Fire- increases damage and armor of the target
[W]Ignite- deals damage over time if the enemy dies while ignited a fire minion will spawn
[E]Dragons breath- Roasts enemies around you with massive fire damage.
[R]Infernal- Summons an Infernal from the ground Dealing damage and stunning enemies
Illidan, Kael'thas, Prison Break, Underground