Possible setting the light intensity with animation index for light model(ex.tourch)

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Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
Possible setting the light intensity with animation index for light model(ex.tourch)

at light model i mean a model like tourch without the tourch model texture, just glowing.

so i meant possible make something like set animation index to a model and it make more lighter (more intensive light, light up more area)/darker.

so something like if animation index is 0 then dont ahve light effect, if animation index is 1 then light cover 50 range in game, if index is 2 then 100 ranged, etc
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
The intervals decide which frames belong to an animation. You can then react on the triggering of these frames to change different properties of the model like the visibility of the lights. So you need them to make the appearance of your model differ, to enable different light ranges. I took intervals of 999/1000 in length here only because I would have guessed that it might be more performant since it does not need to restart everytime and fire the time events. I do not know the details of modeling either, you would better have had this thread posted in the designated section.
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