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Pokemons I've analyzed in Hive's Chat

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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011

The water/acid type starfish pokemon. Starblind is a unique pokemon that is largely misunderstood by both science and ideology. This pokemon is almost impossible to kill, able to replicate it's self to the extend that if you chop it in half you get 2 pokemon instead of one. though this pokemon has eyes scientists don't know if they can see since these eyes are situated inside the stomach of the starblind, it is also thought that you need a brain in order to see. a brain which the starblind doesn't have. hence the name star-Blind. Starblinds are capable of eating almost everything except for bone and material equivalents. in order for a starblind to eat it literally spits its stomach out at victims, wraps them up and pulls them in. effectively blinding and burning victims with stomach acid before their griZzly deaths.

water type pokemon are weak to earth pokemon
acid type are weak to fire.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
That's odd, water-type Pokemon are my favorite. Now with poison it's even better! lol. Not sure how or why you reached that conclusion or description about me as a Pokemon but, thank you! ;)
I unfortunately don't know you personally on the hive, I suppose that is @San job :D but I do know about starfish. All those facts are about starfish. No problem at all :) Just don't get banned, that is my Pokemon's special ability
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