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Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
Seriously whatever they say say about getting Jirachi is a lie. The only way is through a tournament (if there are), the bonus disc from Colosseum (which I don't think they make anymore), or by using a cheat device.
Level 21
Feb 14, 2004
SeaGull1723 said:
Seriously whatever they say say about getting Jirachi is a lie. The only way is through a tournament (if there are), the bonus disc from Colosseum (which I don't think they make anymore), or by using a cheat device.

There always are tournaments regarding to pokemon for prizes. But, you can get Jirachi in ruby through a cheat device as mentioned such as action replay (I've tried it)
Level 2
Jun 26, 2004

Ok, i own a jirachi, its gotten by action replay, preordered pokemon colloseum (e-reader card), and nintendo events. My Jirachi is lvl 80, and it kicks ASS! never igonore doom desire, ITS AWESOME!
Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
pokemon? that's baby-ish, and anime. it's aimed at young kids, you may still have it inside you, but seriously, i used to buy one of these pokemon cards, i had 6 cards in total, beceause i realized i was wasting my cash; it was another of these big moves they used to make cash and we would mindlessly be happy for pieces of papers with text on it.
the concept of pokemon is sick, trapping creatures in ball, so they can serve you mindlessly to fight creatures more mindless. those pokemons trainers are zombies, the concept have many flaws, it's far from pleasant.

i occasionally watch it, but only to take a look at what kind of art he uses, and how anime is weird and have weird proportions, man that Brock ( brown man ) is tall, and his head small. i watch it, and i laugh occasionally when a trainer says " GO, (pokemon), USE YOUR MIND SHOCK! " and then you see pikachu running and avoiding the mind shocks, there is soo much tension here, i almost gasped.

then at the end of a battle, pikachu seems to be wounded, he says "pik, pika", and then he tries to be a smartass and continues to fight, of course he wins, how epic.

seriously, each time i watch it i realise how senseless it is, and it makes me laugh how much it's noobish, but well drawn. people would do anything for money.

i try to avoid those pocket game engines, it's called gameboy right? it's not constructive, while you could be drawing, doing sport, preferably soccer, or taking a bath. gameboys focuses the mind on some game, where the goal is to 'win', your mind feels challenged and try to accomplish it. the adventure games are relativly easy and requires no intelligence to accomplish it. i tested Metroid X, and it was sure entertaining, but what's happening inside your brain, that's what you must think.

sure, they're entertaining, but you could do something else.
they're entertaining, but they don't make you sexy, nor develop your overall intelligence.
uhh thats not what theyre meant to do, they're video games, entertianment, not school. and of couse they dont make you sexy, pretty much nothing does except your someone's looks and overall personality. but i can say your right, gameboys do suck. they ruin your mind just like any other video game, except you can take it anywhere, making it worse.
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
Sopho said:
Pokemon maybe aimed at younger people but older people I've met still like the GBA games of it such as Ruby and Sapphire. In my opinion, the Pokemon Cartoon is babyish.

Kinda like what I would say. The Pokemon cartoon never changes it's concept. It's all about Mr. Ash Ketchum saving the day from Team Rocket. Much like your average super hero day. Conclusion? Literally sucky. :wink:
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
The anime was the first of many ruined by that stupid company known as "4Kids". They don't dub anime, they RUIN it

I'm pretty sure that the Japanese Pokemon wouldn't have been anything special, but it would have at least been better than the feaces that everywhere else got -_-

And on a random note: Pokemon Game > Pokemon Manga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pokemon Anime
Level 2
Jul 6, 2004
Though i do no longer play pokemon (becouse the newer games sucks) pokemon is still fine (and i am 14). Seriusly, some adults are still playing pokemon!

Well, i dont like Ruby/Sapphire becouse of the fact that you CANT go to Johto nor to Kanto. The gametime is so short equal to the older games. The world is too small (becouse of the fast bike). There's no real challenge and only after 100 hours of gameplay i had catched all 202 pokemons, got my pokedex intended (to view old pokemons too) and i had proborly revealed every single fraggin corner of that stupid game. Ruby/Sapphire is basically the worst pokemon game ever to hit the stores and i got sadly disappointed by it. So it got to hit the trach can thereafter!

Pokemon cards is one of the better things this genre has to offer and anyone saying "i bought 6 pokemon cards and they suck so i go back to the store with them" and just IDIOTS!!! Seriusly, grow up guys. You almost saying: "I had just seen the Orcs tier 1 units in Warcraft 3 and it sucks." How lol is that just? Pokemon Trading Cards is a very complex game with alot of rules tactical management. Such as weaknesses, statusses, attacks and so forth... it has over 100 pages of pure rules so dont say it's simple and a waste of money. Pokemon cards is proborly also the only thing of this category i still find entertaining... the rest is just crap (exept for Crystal version for GB, that one was really good!)
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
Afronight_76 said:
ive noticed somthing. team rocket always tries to capture pikachu in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. i dare you, try and find an episode where theyre not doing some sort of crime, ash stopps them, and then thay blast off.

well theres the movie "Pokemon Heros". all their trying to do is to get something to eat, and follow those 2 gurls, but they dont do nothin bad in there.

and plus, most animes r best the fisrt 2 or 3 seasons. for example: Digimon. The first 2 seasons rock!! the 3rd is ok, but the 4th, SUX!!! i still LOVE season 1 and 2, i'd like it if ytv or the foxbox put them back up again. i'd be very happy and watch each show.

i wounder wut the next season is going to be like. and also the same bout digimon world. i hope they make a new one for gamecube and it would be sorta resemble the gameplay (the story would be diffenrent, the camera angle and the way u play n stuff) as the first (digimon world 1 is da best) but with WWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY better graphics.
Level 1
Aug 27, 2004
well the only thing that frustrates me about pokemon is that they never put an actual RPG pokemon game on gamecube or n64. and pokemon stadium doesn't count.
Level 6
Aug 16, 2004
wutr would be cool is if they made a mmorpg like game for gamecube, or ds, and u can make ur own guy n stuff. that would be cool.
Level 2
Jun 26, 2004

Ok people, let's get one thing straight. Fire Red and Leaf Green NEED (YES NEED) Sapphire/Ruby in order to complete the pokedex, and you need coleseum too. Sure its a bite for buying more shit, but you most likely have those too, but i dont have coleseum... Jirachi is not by tourny or any of that crap... Just go find a dumbass kid and ask to borrow the damn preview disk u retards. Now shut up... Don't even request challenging me to netbattle, cause ill pwn you most likely, regardless of what you say...
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Sweet merciful FECK, do you know how OLD this topic is? BAD NECROMANCER

And you don't actualy need FR/LG to complete the dex if you can get your hands on a Gameshark >=D

And of corse, even with FR/LG and collusieum, you can't complete the dex. You then need Emerald, to get Mew, Deoxys, various Johto pokemon, Groundon AND Kyorge (In the same game), Lugia and Ho-oh. And of corse, you'd need a gameshark anyway, to get the various tickets and stuff to get all of the legendaries.

Then of corse, you would need HEAPS of patience to abuse the Celebi glitch so you can get that little time-traveling fairy thing. So yes, its currently impossible to get all of the pokemon without a gameshark/action replay/other various cheating devices

EDIT: I have GOT to put this in. It is the most brilliant thing I have ever seen, and I will abuse it from now on

Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Of course it's possible to do such things with a gameshark, or something like it. Back in the days when Pokemon Red and Blue were big(ah, good times) I used a gameshark to get Mew, the 151st pokemon.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
If anyone wanted your opinion, we would have asked for it

As if you couldn't guess, my opinion is that the mainstream pokemon games (Red/Blue/Green/Yellow/Fire Red/Leaf Green, Gold/Silver/Crystal, Ruby/Saphire/Emerald) are actualy pretty damn good. Oh, but let me guess? Its too "childish" to play for you? You can't be seen playing anything that doesn't have excessive ammounts of violence, or mature content, can you? And let me guess even more: You don't give a stuff what the gameplay is about, you just care about the graphics?

Its people who think that that I hate. Those people should not call themselves "Gamers", and they should stay the fudge away from any and all video games, leaving them for people who prefer gameplay over graphics

And on a final note: The anime dub sucks. Maybe the original japanese one is better, but the dub sucks. And the various manga are ok, cause they aren't kiddied down by a certain stupid and useless dubbing company that I personly hope dies. I am of corse refering to 4Kids. I hate them. Hate them and their ruining of anime
Level 5
Aug 25, 2004
lazy cheaters, me and my cuzin and his friend back in the day of red n blue, we all never used a "gameshark" and we got all the pokemon 1-150, then you go and get the licence from the dude in the tower who is amazed that you acctually did it. but the only way to get mew LEGITLY in game is to get a pokemon from one of ur friends that knows cut, btw you can cheat with gameshark to get all pokemon it knows some how, dont go on the ss anne, when you get the licence get a level 100 snorlax, theach him strength, go to the place with ss anne, DO NOT GO ON SS ANNE, go to the side before you get on boat and surf out to the side, there is a piece of land, it has a pick-up truck on it, i was like omfg wtf, use strength on it, and it will shoot forward revealing an egg looking thing, then mew will challenge you, he is lvl 100 and VERY strong
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004


The truck does NOTHING except SIT THERE USELESSLY. The one thing I want to do before I die is to find the complete and utter DUMBASS who made up that STUPID truck rumour and SMASH A GOLFCLUB OVER HIS LEG

The only way to get Mew is to get Emerald, get the Old Sea Chart and then to go to World's Edge Island, which is where Mew lives. Then, you have to catch Mew, who is hiding in the grass. Then, you have to battle his level 40 self, from where you catch him.


Now the Truck, that does NOTHING. You can use Strength on it with ANY pokemon, and NOTHING will happan. It doesn't matter if its a level 176 Missingno or a level 100 Snorlax, it WILL NOT MOVE. EVER. NOT UNLESS YOU HACK THE GAME AND MOVE IT YOURSELF. IN WHICH CASE, ITS JUST A USELESS TRUCK AT A DIFFERENT PLACE. END OF STORY. K THX BAI
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Gahh!! It's the return of Mecheon's GOLF CLUB OF DOOM!!!!! PHEAR IT!!!!! :p

Anywho, I thought the only legitimate way to get Mew was to get it from one of the official Nintendo people who gave it out on occasion...

And yeah, that truck is just there to look pretty, it has no real purpose.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
I don't consider that realy getting mew, thats more of trading for mew. The Mew you get won't have your trainer ID number and all, so yes... The only way to catch mew is with the soon to be released Emerald version and the Old Sea Chart, which is only gettable at a Nintendo event probably. Or you COULD just hack it in, but you know
Level 5
Aug 25, 2004
Emerald? is that like the green version of Ruby and Saphire, oh and green version from japan sucks just to let everyone know, it is red and blue mixed together were you can catch all pokemon, except mew.
Level 5
Jun 10, 2004
Let me get the off topic stuff on my mind out first and then I'll post my thoughts on pokemon.
1. The Thread Necromancer was hilarious. This site needs to make more of these Magic the Gathering parody cards based on the forums and put them in the art section. (The Forum Troll should be a red monster with a special ability that makes fun of flaming.)
2. Golf clubs are obselete (joke). *Hands Mecheon Nightmare's version of Soul Edge (full power of course) to whack the trolls with.*
3. There's a word for people who hate a game solely due to either being too "kiddy," not having enough violence, or because of its graphics, "Main Streamer." Just a side note, I'm not fond of them either because it is those kind of players who would rather buy licensed shovel ware (Enter the Matrix), shovel ware with lots of gore, or shovel ware with good graphics than buy an underhyped gem (games like this have terrible sales despite being really good) like Panzer Dragoon Orta or Otogi.
-Back on topic. Pokemon is not a "kiddy" game. It's gameplay is quite strategic and good stuff for all ages. I should know, I'm 21 and I play this series anyway because of the high quality gameplay. I've caught all 151 in R/B and caught all 251 in G/S (includes all 26 Unowns, please forgive misspelling). This thread brings back fond memories of my battles against my little brother (now 16, was 13 during battles). I could KO 5 out of 6 members of his team (Typholsion, Ampharos, Victreebel, Skarmory, Kingdra, and Mewtwo) while only using my Tyranitar (Rock Slide, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Blast). If he ever used Kingra, I would use Ampharos to paralyze it, weaken it, and then sometimes (most of the time I just finish it off) switch to Tyranitar so it can finish off the counter designed to fight Tyranitar. That occasional embarasment tactic, along with the mind games I would play with him when I was in a mode for humor (such as making mildly amusing comments about Mewtwo still being at full power should Tyranitar fall) would frustrate my brother to no end, with constant remarks about how Tyranitar was cheap.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Corse its not

Anywho, Green version is basicaly our Blue version, but with different sprites, different NPC trades and the Unknown Dungeon is different. Infact, in the Japanese Red, its pretty much the same as Japanese Green, cept with different wild pokemon

Japanese blue version on the other hand uses improved sprites (The ones in the english R/B) and a different Unknown Dungeon layout (The one in R/B). It also has more different wild pokemon, such as Lickitung being wild instead of a trade

The english Red and Blue are a mix between the Japanese Red, Green and Blue. Our blue version is in fact closer to the green version rather than the japanese blue. And this also explains that horrendous error where it says that the Raichu evolved. That was MENT to be you trading a Kadabra or something for one of the other trade evolving pokemon, but they changed it to Raichu for Jynx for some reason

And trust me. I hate Tyranitars. Mainly because my team mostly depends upon my Mewtwo destroying the opponent with psychic. Anything immune to psychic I therefore hate. I realy should teach him a fighting type move to deal with dark types now that I think of it...

And of corse its not going to beat MtG. They're two entirly different things. Ones a gameboy game, the others a card game. Big difference <_<;;. And the card game is pretty much dead anyway
Level 21
Feb 14, 2004
The shows, trading cards, small merchandise and dolls of Pokemon suck (they use to be a big breakout before year 2000 though)

The games however, sort of are interesting as they improve. I still like their work. I've played Pokemon Emerald, and its not a good improvement (SPOILER ALERT).
So, Pokemon games are not dead yet but the rest are...
Level 2
Jun 26, 2004
I like any video game that has good gameplay time, and is within my genres of video games... Pokemon is not childish, its simply quite an old Japanesse revolution in mass money making bullshit. Besides the TV show, its all good. Wait, the gay toys... But im quite the addict of the games, and if anyone knows what the fuck the damn transformation caves effects are, PLEASE TELL ME! its fucking pissin me off folks...
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Gawd, even I agree that this topic should die <_<;;;

Anywho, Transformation/Altering cave is useless. It requires the use of mystery gift somehow, and all that'll do is change it from a zubat you find in there to a smeargle, mareep, houndour, shuckle, stantler, aipom, teddiursa or pineco
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Yes, its been stated about ten times already that the anime sucks. They only released it because the games were so popular. But I'm more into manga than anime.(yay for Negima!) And I'll be getting the Warcraft manga as soon as its released...
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