Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
Custom rendition of the Plague Cauldron WoW model. The model was fully developed by myself for Warcraft 3 Re-Reforged. When using this model, it'd be great if you linked or credited @InsaneMonster's project as well.
The plague cauldron comes with two variants: Green (using no custom textures) and Orange (uses a custom diffuse and emissive).
To import the Green variant:
Import the .mdx main file to your map using the Asset Manager at the path: Plaguecauldron.mdx
Import the .mdx portrait file to your map using the Asset Manager at the paths: Plaguecauldron_portrait.mdx
To import the Orange variant:
Import the .mdx main file to your map using the Asset Manager at the path: Plaguecauldronorange.mdx
Import the .mdx portrait file to your map using the Asset Manager at the paths: Plaguecauldronorange_portrait.mdx
Import the textures to your map using the Asset Manager at the,
Each model has an alternate stand. The model works similar to the Nelven Ancients, having an uprooted Stand and a rooted Stand Alternate, as well as morph animations.
Now the cauldron retracts its chains when airborne. (FIXED 01/10/21)
Looks great and adds a useful building to scourge faction. If I'm correct, shouldn't the stand alternative work animation also have a slightly moving cauldron? Other than that it's perfect.
Looks great and adds a useful building to scourge faction. If I'm correct, shouldn't the stand alternative work animation also have a slightly moving cauldron? Other than that it's perfect.
Looks great. I'd love to have that land/rise animation for the regular necropolis as well. Especially since they look like they were actually ripped from the ground not built in the air.
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