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Pirate Builder

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Level 2
Jan 16, 2008
Pirate Builder

Map Type:
Altered Melee / Strategy / Builder

# Players:
Up to 10 Human Players (AI may be included at a later date)

Objectives / How to Play:
The goal of the game is to become the one and only ruler of the seas.

The game starts out like most "builder" type maps, you will have one worker unit and a period of time to move across the map freely and start your main base.

The two resources used in this map are gold and lumber. Gold is gained each "turn" (a 30 second period) dependent on how many Housing Quarters you own.

Each Housing Quarter will provide you with a slight income, Housing Quarters require lumber to be built which is very rare. (You get 1 per turn). This is to take the focus of merely spamming income buildings and more on exploration and warfare.

Bonus lumber can be received from occupying "naval resources", special marked points (marked with a flag and circle of power) on the map that need to be "attacked" to occupy, once you have attacked the point it goes under your control, however other players can attack it to turn it under there control, ect.

There are only five of these points on the map, so controlling as many of these strategic points as possible should be a priority.

Gold can also be stolen by plundering Spanish towns that are spread across the map. By entering a town you will be attacked by Guards (there numbers and strength dependent on the size of the town). But occupying a town has many advantages.

  • Each town has a town "vault" that when destroyed will leave behind gold and treasure dependent on the towns size
  • The town will have a unique marketplace with rare and valuable items only for that town
  • A tavern where unique and otherwise untrainable units can be hired
  • A shipyard where additional and sometimes even hidden/unique ships can be built

The map also has random events in random playable areas, these include blizzard storms, monsoons, earthquakes or patrolling battleships from the Spanish Armada, all of these events will effect players if they happen to be in the wrong place.

Trainable Units:
Builder - Basic worker unit, can repair and build structures.
Advanced Builder - Advanced worker unit, can repair and build structures.
Swabbie - Versatile and standard crewman.
Tavern Fighter - Melee unit, adept at drunken hand-to-hand combat and disrupting peaceful drinking sessions. Can learn the Drunken Boxing ability.
Rum-Thrower - A basic long-range attacker. Can learn the Rum Bottle ability.
Tavern Wench - Versatile spellcaster adept at disrupting enemy troops. Can cast Absinthe Shot and Jug of Sticky Ale.
Mate - Versatile and experienced crewman.
Musketeer - Highly skilled sharpshooter, effective at picking melee units of from afar. Can learn the Headshot ability.
Surgeon - Supporting spellcaster. Can cast Heal.
Pirate - A heavy melee unit, can learn the Critical Strike and Evasion abilities.
Field Cannon 10 - Pounder - Long range siege weaponry. Effective against buildings and unarmored units, but slow and vulnerable, can learn the Burning Oil ability.
Field Cannon 20 - Pounder - Long range siege weaponry. Effective against buildings and unarmored units, but slow and vulnerable, can learn the Burning Oil ability.

Hidden/Hired Units:
These units must be hired from Spanish Town taverns.
Assassin - Deadly assassin, adept at killing single units. Has the Stealth, Slow Poison and Ensnare abilities.
Buccaneer - Melee unit, adept at sword combat and pillaging resources. Has the Pillage ability.
Town Cryer - Supporting spellcaster. Can cast Enrage and has the Town Rally aura.
Wildman - Heavy melee unit, has the Taunt and Howl of Terror abilities.
Blunderbussier - Skilled sharpshooter, more effective at close range then Musketeers. Has the Headshot ability.
Field Cannon 30 - Pounder - Long range siege weaponry. Effective against buildings and unarmored units, but slow and vulnerable, can learn the Burning Oil ability.
Courtesan - Versatile spellcaster adept at raising the morale of your crew. Can cast Companionship and Seduction.

Land Heroes:
The Captain - Everyone will receive The Captain for free when there first building is built. He will be a vital part of your crew. Can learn the following abilities, Captains Cry, Lookout, Swashbuckler and Attribute Bonus.

Trainable Ocean Heroes:
All Ships are Hero units, however they do not receive any attribute bonuses when they level up. A level 10 Frigate will have the same attributes and health as a level 1 Frigate. However, when a Ship reaches certain levels it will learn various abilities due to the experience of its crew. These will be explained later on in the Ship abilities section.

Another point to mention is that you can "board" other ships and take control of them. When a Ship is destroyed/dies, it is revived instantly at the same spot with 5% Health, made invulnerable and paused, (so it cannot attack) and after a 15 second period, is "boarded" by the player who destroyed it, the ship is now under the control of the player who destroyed it, it is then made vulnerable and unpaused.

So in theory ships are never destroyed and will always retain there levels, this adds some strategy to the game as ships will be constantly changing owners as they are "boarded" throughout the game.

10-Gun Brig - Small, cheap but sturdy. Pefect for a beginner.
12-Gun Brig - Small, cheap but sturdy. Pefect for a beginner.
16-Gun Sloop of War - A small sailing warship, commonly used for escorting merchant ships.
20-Gun Sloop of War - A small sailing warship, commonly used for escorting merchant ships.
28-Gun Frigate - Built similar to the more powerful Ship of the Lines, Frigates are much faster and have lighter armament. They are often used for patrolling and escort.
36-Gun Frigate - Built similar to the more powerful Ship of the Lines, Frigates are much faster and have lighter armament. They are often used for patrolling and escort.
48-Gun Ship of the Line - Although slower then most ships, these massive battleships excel at destroying enemy ships and bombarding buildings from the sea.
56-Gun Ship of the Line - Although slower then most ships, these massive battleships excel at destroying enemy ships and bombarding buildings from the sea.

Hidden Ocean Heroes:
The following ships are unique and hidden, and can be attained by using treasure maps, being built at certain Spanish town ports or by completing quests from other random drop items.
The Black Pearl, The Flying Dutchman, The Interceptor

Ship Abilities:
The following abilities will be given to Ships as they reach certain levels.
Ghost Ship - Makes the Ship invisible for a short period of time. This effect is lost if the Ship uses an ability or attacks.
Veteran Crew - Your crews experience enables them to spot enemy ships vulnerabilities. Gives a chance to deal bonus damage.
Disabling Shot - A powerful cannonball that is shot at an enemy unit, causes damage and stuns them.
Chainball Shot - Fires a chainball at an enemy unit. This deals damage and reduces their movement speed for a period of time.
Blessed Shot - Adds bonus fire damage to each shot, but drains mana with each shot fired.

Maps Completion Stage:
  • Triggers 90%
  • Units 100%
  • Terrain 100%
  • Abilities 100%

I am basically on the finishing touches, a beta or demo will be out shortly.

I am looking for some ideas and "constructive" criticism, so please if you have anything to comment please do.


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Level 2
Jan 16, 2008
well i only took 5-6 screenshots couldnt get everything :D . there r alot of cliffs and islands with environment features

as for the import matter and spicing it up, i would really love to but as i plan on hosting this on battlenet its not really a option, the map is 640kb atm and im sacrificing those kinds of things so people who r inpatient get a faster download,
Level 13
May 24, 2005
This concept sounds pretty interesting and fun and I'll be happy to test this if it's ready.

The terrain isn't bad at all, though it could be improved in some ways to look even more island-like and exotic. This could be done without drastically increase file size since there are a lot of existing doodads that just have to be used at the right places. (And maybe a very few custom ones that doesn't take too much space). If you need any help just tell me.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2007
Oh thank heavens! A decent sounding pirate map... no better than decent! Anyway... is it completed yet, or is it still in creation cuz I'd love to play it. Also is there eventually going to be like... a British AI enemy at random? I think that'd be pretty cool. For example every... 15 minutes in chat box it states "NAVAL ATTACK!!!" *people scream* then it gives you the option "be attacked" or "bribe navy". If you fight them it equals $$$, and bribery is obvious. I dunno... it sounds good to me.
Level 2
Jan 16, 2008
there r "random events" so to speak that occur every few turns, and yes one of them is a computer controlled fleet,

the random event could be a random gold collection from your King, a Snowstorm that damages a region, or a patrolling fleet from the Spanish Armada,

the map is still in production, its pretty close to being done, ive just been busy with other commitments and have been slightly distracted on other warcraft 3 projects
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