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Patch 1.4.0 LIVE for Wings of Liberty

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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005

Patch 1.4.0 for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty has just went live! Like we mentioned in our previous news post, it comes with many (balance) changes both for the game and the editor! Check out the changelog.
Also, here's the picture of the winner of one of Blizzard's contests:

(update, 24-Sep-2011 at 21 o'clock GMT, Summer time +1)

Balance Snapshot and Situation Report for patch 1.4

To help understand the thought process behind balance changes, Blizzard has recently posted news articles regarding how balance is evaluated. Without further detaining, see "Balance Snapshot" and "Situation Report: Patch 1.4".We are emphasizing the second news batch, since it contains explanations for all the balance changes made in the latest patch.

  • Unit vision up ramps has been reduced by 1.

    This change is specifically to address the protoss vs. protoss 4-gate all-in problem. With this change, it will be possible to block the middle of your ramp using one force field, thus preventing your opponent from warping up your cliff.

  • Immortal attack range increased from 5 to 6.

    We wanted to help protoss fight against the terran 1/1/1 strategy without impacting or changing other parts of the game too much. The units protoss have at their disposal are very limited at the early portion of the game, and most units (other than the Immortal) were used too heavily in more generic unit compositions. Immortals were a good choice due to the current meta-game moving away from heavy Immortal usage.

    We decided to go with the range increase so that they have an easier/better capability of taking out siege tanks as well as to have them be more easily usable when in combination with other ranged units.

  • Mothership acceleration increased from 0.3 to 1.375.

    We wanted to try to bring in a unit that’s rarely used back into the action in order to potentially create new viable strategies for protoss. In the end, it came down to a choice between the Carrier and the Mothership.

    We decided to go with the Mothership for a variety of reasons, the biggest one being that we felt its maneuvrability required tweaking. As for the acceleration increase itself, we found that the biggest problem was that the unit felt very unresponsive to use. For a unit whose positioning is so important, we felt that making it easier to maneuver made the most sense.

  • Stalker Blink research time increased from 110 to 140.

    We felt Blink all-in timing was a bit too much on certain maps/positions. We wanted to implement a change that only affects this tactic without reducing the general usage of Blink itself. We decided to go with adjusting the timing of the upgrade and not touch the ability itself or the cost of the research.

  • Warp Prism shields increased from 40 to 100.

    The Warp Prism is a unit where we could see a lot of potential with it. However, when they’re used in games, it’s very easy to defend vs. them using only a few units. We’re hoping to see more Warp Prism based strategies with this buff.

  • Barracks build time increased from 60 to 65.

    We first started looking at this change due to the 11 11 rush vs. zerg and also evaluated how easy it is to just put down a bunker on the offensive to do some minor damage early on in terran vs. zerg match-ups without much sacrifice from the terran player.

    We also started to notice not just the all-in rushes terran players do, but also that the various early game push options available (before scouting even comes into play) were slightly problematic as well.

    Due to both of those reasons, we feel this change is very solid. As always, however, we will continue to evaluate the ongoing effects of this change on gameplay.

  • Hellion infernal Pre-Igniter damage upgrade decreased from 10 to 5.

    This is an issue we’ve had a lot of pro-player and community feedback on ever since previous terran vs. terran changes were implemented and the meta-game changed. Feedback we’ve been hearing has reflected upon how Hellions with this upgrade seem to ultimately cause for really boring games to watch. One split second mistake makes 1 player lose 20+ workers and the game is pretty much over before anything else really happens.

    In a perfect world of terran vs. terran, we’d like to see both bio and mech based strategies viable. We don’t know for certain that this is possible, but this change makes the Hellion relationship vs. Marines and Workers only 1 shot different (assuming marines use Stimpacks in combat). Meaning, this is the smallest change we could make in order to attempt to meet that goal.

    We also heard feedback on how some worker relationships aren’t changed even when you purchase the upgrade with this change. We feel not every upgrade in the game has to change every single relationship in the game. For example: choosing to go without upgraded Hellions for a strategy involving killing Drones with the Hellions vs. choosing to upgrade to mostly fight against Zerglings we feel is a perfectly reasonable choice for players to make.

  • Raven Seeker Missile movement speed increased from 2.5 to 2.953.

    We feel this ability can create cool moments whether it’s separating out the unit that’s marked by the Seeker or if it’s running away from the whole stack to avoid splash damage.

    It’s starting to see more play in terran vs. terran matches, but we wanted to increase the movement speed of the Seeker Missile so that dodging it becomes slightly more difficult.

  • Infestor
    • Fungal Growth damage changed from 36 (47 vs armored) to 30 (40 vs Armored).

    • Neural Parasite range decreased from 9 to 7.

    Infestors were all around too general. Neural Parasite takes care of the more expensive medium size units as well as massive units, Fungal Growth is good vs. small to lower cost medium units, and Infested Terrans were just good for cost vs. anything that doesn’t move out of position. We like the positional-based gameplay Infested Terrans cause, so we decided to look at the other spells instead.

    Fungal Growth is a solid spell that is a core part of the zerg meta-game, so we went with as minimal of a change as possible. We didn’t want to change the current game too much since according to our stats all zerg matchups are very close to even at the highest levels. When testing with the highest level players, we noticed this change is very minor yet still very slightly noticeable.

    We decided on the Neural Parasite change in order to create more decision making in terms of the positioning of the Infestor as well as what units are needed at which locations in order to better protect the Infestor casting this spell. Previously, it felt too easy to cast and too difficult to counter without having siege range units.

  • Overseer Morph cost decreased from 50/100 to 50/50.
  • Contaminate energy cost increased from 75 to 125.

    We felt zerg are very vulnerable to various early game openers. Also, the cost between creating one Overseer for scouting purposes vs. purchasing the Overlord speed upgrade for all Overlords didn’t seem to differ enough.

    This cost change would hopefully encourage slightly earlier scouting using not only the Overseer but also Changelings as well.

    For Contaminate, we felt the zerg vs. zerg strategy of locking down the hatchery could easily be problematic, so we put in that change to compensate for the cost decrease of the unit.

  • Ultralisk build time decreased from 70 to 55.

Ultralisks are usually ready to join the game at or around 200 pop. Zerg players usually need to free up some supply in order to start building these guys. Because Ultralisks take two to three times longer to build compared to other units, we felt the time right before Ultralisks are created is the weakest possible moment for using this unit.

Therefore, we made the build time slightly faster in the hope of more accurately gauging the current strength of Ultralisks before making bigger decisions.
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Neutral Parasite change was pointless. You know why? At first NP wasn't the issue, the infested terran was, second: NP won't be used anymore.

It's all going to revert the NP range or either rebalance whole spell/replace it.
They were playing so much with this ability, that I guess they do not know what to do anymore and blade it for eveything..

Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Well it was long on PTR. Neural's range was just to not make 'Unable to target massive units with neural' to say it is nerfed. Yes changing the range has no much meaning, like leaving the same. Like Baracks 5 seconds more build time, what for? Immortal's range can help in 1/1/1 but they will still call it imba when it is so fcking stoppable...

Fungal was what was too strong and from personal experience it still nearly kills marines, so all is good, Zerg can't complain about nerf on Fungal.

I have no complaints since TvT is still going mech for now, it is still strong, and I like the 'Only Friends can send chat commands to you' which is like /o igw from war3. And I asked GGLastshadow on gosugamers, his prediction is also mech will remain but can turn into late transfer rather than early start but it is still the same as before the patch.
Yes changing the range has no much meaning, like leaving the same.
You either misunderstood me or don't play zerg :S
This change fucked up NP. There is no real reason to research this ability nor use it.

What was NP used against? Thors, Colosus, Mothership, (Broodlords, tanks, Battlecruisers occasionaly). Range 7 means that infestor has to get dangerously close to an enemy before being able to cast it actually. Notice that unit isn't mind controled immidiately, the target has time for one shot which can help a lot, plus infertof it's kind of tank, nor runner.
To sum up: ability is now broken.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
NP nerf was to stop them always snipping off colossus / other good units. Now you can not NP a colossus as their thermal lance will mince infestors trying to get too close.

NP will probably only be viable in small battles or when cleaning up (1 lone large unit).

On the other hand fungal has been buffed a tad. This probably compensates prety well.

Rax 5 seconds more is a big change as it means terrans are 5 seconds behind with technology and troop production. In pro play where seconds count this will definatly be noticable.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
On the technical part: Mass lag, getting dropped in ladder, getting dropped from battle net, blank profiles, Music goes loud and silent every now and then, battle net forum doesn't load like no connection while THW works fine, others report the same, etc. For getting dropped games I win, I feel like really blowing up the fucked up bnet version 0.000000002^-1 server..

Completely honestly I HATE this battle net. I feel real hatred towards it.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I give twenty thanks for the Warp Prism shield and Immortal range buff. Now Warp Prisms can finally be used more safely instead of having to be dumped because they're low HP and it's so dangerous to place anything in them anymore. And Immortals can now actually be effective against Stalkers and Roaches and not get singled out because they need to get closer.
On the other hand, I found the following changes weird: Infernal Pre-Igniters, decreasing the damage would be okay as long as they tweaked the cost to 100/100, and it'd still be a little expensive for its worth, with this change the Hellion's practically useless versus Terran and Protoss, lest used in drops, but marines can already do those nicely.
Second, the neural parasite change, fine, it took away and turned against you some of the best units, but for effective use late game, you usually need three or more infestors, isn't the cost balanced towards that benefit? They could have made the range 8 instead of 7, at least.
Third, Contaminate, even with the overseer cost discount, nobody really uses this ability, but since I'm not Grandmaster and I can imagine a situation in which the zerg is maxed out and with gas reserves and decides to morph every overlord to overseer, I'll just leave it at that.

Anyway, gotta check that workflow improvement Editor upgrade (not today I guess).
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Another thing to add, APM I'm used to mass clicking from war3, something I considered a habit and part of my controling fast throughout the game for a warmup. Despite having 200+ APM due to that, when they ask me how much APM I get I say 120-140 because it is range where it circulates. I don't say 200 when it drops down to 120-140 but in war3 I had real 200+ APM cause there you don't camp but move all the time.

Now, while I don't mind them making the initial APM not count I find this another dumbshit by Blizzard made utterly and absolutely to not upset the noobs that they too low APM justlike they removed losses to not upset the guys they make losses

As stated above I just HATE this bnet, it's such a dumb crap. I wouldn't care that much if really the reason they did this was not to 'not upset the poor guys'. If kids can't handle their losses so they removed the Loss count under Master, if they can't handle EVEN someone having higher APM then BUG OFF SC2 that's what Im going to say.

ladder is for people who consider all this, there is enough places people can play for fun. If Blizzard will fancy the fun-players any further fuck you Blizzard.
Aero, have you played zerg? :S
This race requires at least 100 APM to do anything. If you don't have even 100, all your queens will be staring at each other instead of vomiting hives. Creep spread, lings blocking enemies for roaches/scouting expos are only few of actions that must be performed as zerg. Terran seems to require the least amount of APM, thus it's the most user-friendly race.

The only high APM action for terran appears when it comes to multiple drops.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
I'm sure Blizzard knows more about the long-term effect for the game compared to us, there could be a reason behind the removing loss thing for newbies, who knows they could actually be planning something better or to change it, the updates are still barely 2 years old so yeah, they might be up to something neat:)
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
I mean APM when it comes people arguing who clicks the most. Some guys believe they are better than others when they click more. I think that's just bullshit. You can be a very good player too with only 100 APM.

For example when I was still playing Warcraft 3 in top ranks I had 120-140 APM and I really won other excellent players. I always hated mass clicking and refused to click more than I usually do.

I hate guys like this: "lol you're so noob you have only 125 apm and you won me! I have 300!! you're so lucky!!!"
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
^ 120-140 wasn't that bad APM, especially 140. But see, all did it. One's I played in War3 Zotac and other tours, the good players even not so good like 90% of all I played were 170+ and mostly above 200 APM I was also close to 200 or higher. Sure above 200 came from clicking too but let's not forget how micro heavy war3 is and thus how many actions you do during battles. Also it was part of the fun.

Of course, when you click in the beginning and you get 200 then you get the APM dropped to 120 in SC2 this means the APM that remains - 120 is your real one. Top players still keep it above 200 or others 150-170 in Starcraft II, etc, so this means even with that nerf it is still possible. Well actually I haven't watched any new replays yet frm the new patch but for me it was the fun part. Like why do they have to remove things FFS; APM, Losses, other things, it was a TRADITION to have these.. and they are more important than some achievements or icons.. I don't know where this comes to their mind to remove features that have always been there...

Guess what, for my fingers training and habit I will not break my habit to mass click, even if they removed APM and Wins and leagues as well, Why not remove Ladder so fun players dont get upset? Lol
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
I agree, RTS games aren't just about click speeds...
It's called Real Time Strategy for a reason.
Heck, I bet that if a person's tactical enough, he could beat his opponents even without spending most of his energy clicking the ground:)



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005

Balance Snapshot and Situation Report for patch 1.4

To help understand the thought process behind balance changes, Blizzard has recently posted news articles regarding how balance is evaluated. Without further detaining, see "Balance Snapshot" and "Situation Report: Patch 1.4".We are emphasizing the second news batch, since it contains explanations for all the balance changes made in the latest patch.

  • Unit vision up ramps has been reduced by 1.

    This change is specifically to address the protoss vs. protoss 4-gate all-in problem. With this change, it will be possible to block the middle of your ramp using one force field, thus preventing your opponent from warping up your cliff.

  • Immortal attack range increased from 5 to 6.

    We wanted to help protoss fight against the terran 1/1/1 strategy without impacting or changing other parts of the game too much. The units protoss have at their disposal are very limited at the early portion of the game, and most units (other than the Immortal) were used too heavily in more generic unit compositions. Immortals were a good choice due to the current meta-game moving away from heavy Immortal usage.

    We decided to go with the range increase so that they have an easier/better capability of taking out siege tanks as well as to have them be more easily usable when in combination with other ranged units.

  • Mothership acceleration increased from 0.3 to 1.375.

    We wanted to try to bring in a unit that’s rarely used back into the action in order to potentially create new viable strategies for protoss. In the end, it came down to a choice between the Carrier and the Mothership.

    We decided to go with the Mothership for a variety of reasons, the biggest one being that we felt its maneuvrability required tweaking. As for the acceleration increase itself, we found that the biggest problem was that the unit felt very unresponsive to use. For a unit whose positioning is so important, we felt that making it easier to maneuver made the most sense.

  • Stalker Blink research time increased from 110 to 140.

    We felt Blink all-in timing was a bit too much on certain maps/positions. We wanted to implement a change that only affects this tactic without reducing the general usage of Blink itself. We decided to go with adjusting the timing of the upgrade and not touch the ability itself or the cost of the research.

  • Warp Prism shields increased from 40 to 100.

    The Warp Prism is a unit where we could see a lot of potential with it. However, when they’re used in games, it’s very easy to defend vs. them using only a few units. We’re hoping to see more Warp Prism based strategies with this buff.

  • Barracks build time increased from 60 to 65.

    We first started looking at this change due to the 11 11 rush vs. zerg and also evaluated how easy it is to just put down a bunker on the offensive to do some minor damage early on in terran vs. zerg match-ups without much sacrifice from the terran player.

    We also started to notice not just the all-in rushes terran players do, but also that the various early game push options available (before scouting even comes into play) were slightly problematic as well.

    Due to both of those reasons, we feel this change is very solid. As always, however, we will continue to evaluate the ongoing effects of this change on gameplay.

  • Hellion infernal Pre-Igniter damage upgrade decreased from 10 to 5.

    This is an issue we’ve had a lot of pro-player and community feedback on ever since previous terran vs. terran changes were implemented and the meta-game changed. Feedback we’ve been hearing has reflected upon how Hellions with this upgrade seem to ultimately cause for really boring games to watch. One split second mistake makes 1 player lose 20+ workers and the game is pretty much over before anything else really happens.

    In a perfect world of terran vs. terran, we’d like to see both bio and mech based strategies viable. We don’t know for certain that this is possible, but this change makes the Hellion relationship vs. Marines and Workers only 1 shot different (assuming marines use Stimpacks in combat). Meaning, this is the smallest change we could make in order to attempt to meet that goal.

    We also heard feedback on how some worker relationships aren’t changed even when you purchase the upgrade with this change. We feel not every upgrade in the game has to change every single relationship in the game. For example: choosing to go without upgraded Hellions for a strategy involving killing Drones with the Hellions vs. choosing to upgrade to mostly fight against Zerglings we feel is a perfectly reasonable choice for players to make.

  • Raven Seeker Missile movement speed increased from 2.5 to 2.953.

    We feel this ability can create cool moments whether it’s separating out the unit that’s marked by the Seeker or if it’s running away from the whole stack to avoid splash damage.

    It’s starting to see more play in terran vs. terran matches, but we wanted to increase the movement speed of the Seeker Missile so that dodging it becomes slightly more difficult.

  • Infestor
    • Fungal Growth damage changed from 36 (47 vs armored) to 30 (40 vs Armored).

    • Neural Parasite range decreased from 9 to 7.

    Infestors were all around too general. Neural Parasite takes care of the more expensive medium size units as well as massive units, Fungal Growth is good vs. small to lower cost medium units, and Infested Terrans were just good for cost vs. anything that doesn’t move out of position. We like the positional-based gameplay Infested Terrans cause, so we decided to look at the other spells instead.

    Fungal Growth is a solid spell that is a core part of the zerg meta-game, so we went with as minimal of a change as possible. We didn’t want to change the current game too much since according to our stats all zerg matchups are very close to even at the highest levels. When testing with the highest level players, we noticed this change is very minor yet still very slightly noticeable.

    We decided on the Neural Parasite change in order to create more decision making in terms of the positioning of the Infestor as well as what units are needed at which locations in order to better protect the Infestor casting this spell. Previously, it felt too easy to cast and too difficult to counter without having siege range units.

  • Overseer Morph cost decreased from 50/100 to 50/50.
  • Contaminate energy cost increased from 75 to 125.

    We felt zerg are very vulnerable to various early game openers. Also, the cost between creating one Overseer for scouting purposes vs. purchasing the Overlord speed upgrade for all Overlords didn’t seem to differ enough.

    This cost change would hopefully encourage slightly earlier scouting using not only the Overseer but also Changelings as well.

    For Contaminate, we felt the zerg vs. zerg strategy of locking down the hatchery could easily be problematic, so we put in that change to compensate for the cost decrease of the unit.

  • Ultralisk build time decreased from 70 to 55.

Ultralisks are usually ready to join the game at or around 200 pop. Zerg players usually need to free up some supply in order to start building these guys. Because Ultralisks take two to three times longer to build compared to other units, we felt the time right before Ultralisks are created is the weakest possible moment for using this unit.

Therefore, we made the build time slightly faster in the hope of more accurately gauging the current strength of Ultralisks before making bigger decisions.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Protoss could counter 1/1/1 anyway when they used the magical power of 'scouting' but I don't mind the Immortal +1 more range, now they shouldn't complain when they still lose to it.

One player did a perfect abuse Blink all in on me once when I had no marauders, so I've seen its power. So it is understandable.

Barracks time was powerful when a T went 2 rax no refinery. 5 seconds arent much of a change but the 2 rax can still win. 1 rax however, makes use of the bunker just to engage drones to not collect minerals, not to gg them.

About TvT PreIgniter they say 'boring' those builds were making TvT dynamic, now bio tanks ZZZZ games again, and I wonder why I decreased my win% vs T like losing nearly all TvTs still trying to play with that Preigniter build when Bio rapes.. Trained all sorts of mech builds only to get it screwed in the new patch .. Back to bio tank.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The ingiter was changed so as to allow worker units an additional hit from hellions before dieing. I think this means they now 3H KO them instead of 2H.

Against terran infintry, the igniter they claim is still as effective if the enemy uses stim (which they all should).

What is more likly happening is the extra 5 seconds baracks build time is upsetting your timings slightly (as tech now is later).
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