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Patch 1.33 and Quenching Mod

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Level 9
Oct 10, 2020
I'm not sure but I think the new patch broke my WC3Reforged with the Quenching Mod I have on. I can't uninstall the mod because I don't know how to and can't even access the mod launch screen from the original file and can't access it in Reforged from the top right interface of the mod because it crashes right before going into the main menu. Anyone know how to fix this? I deleted the Quenching Mod and the files in the base game folder associated with the mod and of course that didn't work because the mod is still installed...
Level 9
Oct 10, 2020
There's a whole dedicated forum to Quenching. Please write there for more attention. I will ask a moderator to move your thread there.
Also there, you can find more information.
There is nothing in that "dedicated forum to Quneching" that mentions on how to uninstall.
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