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Passive Chain Lightning

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Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
How can i make a spell that gives a lets say,15% chance to release a 150 dmg chain lightning on an attack?I tried using:

- Unit is attacked

- Attacking unit has Chain LIghtning Passive
- Random real number between 1 and 100 less than or equal to 15

- Create a Dummy for attacking unit and Chain Lightning attacked unit

but it wont work at all.:(
Level 2
Aug 11, 2007
For some reason, things like this will only work if the attack was from a given order. For example, you cant trigger the effect when the unit auto aquires a target. You have to actually right-click the target and whack them to get the effect to come off.
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
That sucks...Is it possible to make a Bash ability,and then do

-Unit starts the effect of ability

-Ability being cast equal to bash

-Create a dummy and order it to Chain Lightning target of ability being cast.

i tried it but looks like it aint working either....My guess is that the Starts the effect of ability event doesnt work with passive spells...
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
For some reason, things like this will only work if the attack was from a given order. For example, you cant trigger the effect when the unit auto aquires a target. You have to actually right-click the target and whack them to get the effect to come off.

Unit is attacked always work
Level 5
May 27, 2007
try this one but first u need dummy passive ability ( e. g. aura) set everything to 0 so i shouldnt give some effects (also set the range to 0.01 and only heroes) and you need also dummy unit who has skill chain lightning (make our own chain lightning set dmg etc and give it to dummy unit) and
now the trigger:
  • Passive chain lightning
  • Events
    • Unit - unit is attacked
  • Conditions
    • Attacking unit hast buff egual to pasive chain lightning
  • Actions
    • If (all conditions are true) then do (ThenActions) else do (ElseActions)
      • If - Conditions
        • Random Integrer number between 1 to 6 equal to 1
      • Then - Actions
        • Set Loc = (position of (attacking unit))
        • Unit - Create 1 dummy for (owner of (Attackingunit)) at loc facing (position of (attacking unit))
        • Unit - Add 2 sec standard expiration timer to (last created unit)
        • Unit - Order (last created unit) to orc-farseer -'chain lightning' at attacked unit
        • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Loc)
      • Else - Actions
        • Do nothing
this should work if not tell me and i made this spell 4 you
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Ah,ive already done something like this,but the buff is a bit annoying....

Btw the spell was absolutely identical to yours,only i used a "random real number" as a condition instead of "random integer number".Whats the difference anyway?
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Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
Ah,ive already done something like this,but the buff is a bit annoying....

Btw the spell was absolutely identical to yours,only i used a "random real number" as a condition instead of "random integer number".Whats the difference anyway?

REAL number could be 1.24, 6.31, 1.5, or 4

INTEGER numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

so if you used REAL between 1 and 2... then it will be like 1% chance... between 1 and 3, 0.5% chance... and so...
thats why we use integer ^^
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Ughhh...why is blizzard so evil...Why couldnt they just implement the "unit is damaged" event...

BTW thanks for the info on what real and what integer means,it was pretty useful.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Unit is damaged also is buggy, as it would trigger then with spells and with its own chain lightning damage as there is limated way to tell them appart.

They need "a unit finishes attacking" event which basically happens after the attack has fired the projectile (or if melee hit) and so the unit is in attack cooldown. The one blizzard has triggers when a unit initiates an attack sequence and so happens before the projectile is launched (or the attack hits).

However there is a way to lower how effectivly it can be abused. If you set the unit which this event applies to's attack animation backwards swing to a very low number (if not 0), the attack is completed as it starts and thus is very hard (if not impossiable) to interupt by giving another order (like stop). This however ruins the animations of the unit and with range units (especially archers) makes it look like the projectile is launched before they can fire it.

There are some complex JASS systems made to emulate "a unit is hit by an attack" but they require JASS knowledge to use and are not very efficent (as they emulate it).
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Mappers should go on a boycot and stop makin maps untill Blizz decides to fix a crapload of bugs in their editor.After all,the only thing keeping WC3 alive are the mappers.

Although WoW made Blizz so full of cash that they dont even need WC3 anymore.
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Im just stating the fact that Blizz forgot about its good ol' WE and didnt even try to perfect it a bit(it is very possible),and the only thing keeping WC3 alive is the same WE that the modding comunity uses.

I experienced some bugs,like actions not activating after waits,spellbook issues...

Ok i admit "crap load" is a wrong word to describe the number of bugs,but there are a lot of unpractical triggers.When i get sleepy i often exagarate things.I apologize if it offended anyone.
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