Actually i managed to manipulate terrain height very easily with GUI. i made a linear ammo-movement system almost identiqual to Elim Tourny's. the ammo folows a line independantly of the terrain height and dies when it hit a wall. i already have a parabola system but its not as accurate as i would like it to be. it uses y=A(x-h)^2+k and sets "h" to 1/2 of the distance between my target and my nade-thrower, wich isnt very accurate when my thrower and my target point are on very different terrain heights
Purple: I would like to tell you it helped me, but unfortunatly i cant. i really dont understand jass AT ALL. im more used to concrete event-action-condition than to locals(<-really have no clue wut that is), vectors and takes/returns. from what i understood of shadow1500's drawing and formulas, his equations doesnt modify the parabola depending on the height of starting and arrival points, so it wouldnt be much better than what i already have.
i tried looking into Elim's tourny grenade script but bleeeehhh...i would basically need a translator:
function Trig_Grenade_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return GetSpellAbilityId()=='A001'
function Trig_Grenade_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit h=GetSpellAbilityUnit()
local location l=GetSpellTargetLoc()
local real x=GetLocationX(l)-GetUnitX(h)
local real y=GetLocationY(l)-GetUnitY(h)
local real a=Atan2BJ(y,x)
local real aoa
local unit u=CreateParticle(GetOwningPlayer(h),'e000',GetUnitX(h),GetUnitY(h),a)
local real array r
set r[2]=750
set r[0]=RMinBJ(r[2],SquareRoot(x*x+y*y))
set r[1]=SquareRoot(r[2]*VectorGetLength(G()))
set aoa=(bj_PI/2)-(Asin((r[0]*VectorGetLength(G()))/(r[1]*r[1]))/2)
call SetUnitTimeScalePercent(u,10.00)
call SetParticleSpeed(u,Cos(aoa)*CosBJ(a)*r[1],Cos(aoa)*SinBJ(a)*r[1],r[1]*Sin(aoa))
call SetParticleGravityFactor(u,1)
call SetGroundHitFunction(u,"GroundHit_Bounce")
call SetDeathFunction(u,"Death_Explode256")
call UnitApplyTimedLife(u,'BTLF',2.)
set l=null
set h=null
set u=null
a parabolla with no equations other than trigonometry....there isnt even the SetUnitFlyingHeight function to change the grenade height....kinda wierd coding but if it works....=/
what are locals anyway? Variables stored and used on a unit like its life/mana/customvalue/movespeed/etc.?
i just need the equations to find my parabolla equation given my 3 values. the rest i can do by my own. no need jass functions or anything. just the equations to find my parabola.
i have been coding in gui for 4 years and i always managed to do what i wanted to do even if people told me i should use Jass. GUI have the same Jass posibilities. its just longer to do. With all the map-making pros on this website, i am sure one of them have a way for me to suceed.
Thanks for (upcoming maybe?) help =)