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Oskey - Player Key Event


With 1.31 Blizzard provided the feature to listen to keyboard presses and releases outside of arrowkeys and ESC. This feature is used over a new Event that can be registered to a trigger.​

Simple usage

This is a small Lua example: a trigger runs when player red presses the A key then "A" is printed to the screen.
function Test()
    local trigger = CreateTrigger()
    BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(trigger, Player(0), OSKEY_A, 0, true)
    TriggerAddAction(trigger, function()


The new event is created/registered with BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent
native BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, oskeytype key, integer metaKey, boolean keyDown returns event
BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent takes quite some arguments. Lets take a closer look onto them.
whichPlayer is the player which keyboard is listened, that player can start this new created event.

key is a new type insert in Warcraft 3 V1.31 (See List below)
type oskeytype extends handle
constant native ConvertOsKeyType takes integer i returns oskeytype

keyDown decides if that event fires when pressing(true) or when releasing(false) the key.

metaKey it is an integer but it is used as a bitfield. MetaKeys are "none"(0), "shift"(1), "control"(2), "alt"(4) and "META"(8) (windows key).
This MetaKeys can be combinded for example combining control and alt: 2 + 4 = 6. When the user holds control and alt and presses a oskey the event will only run when it was registered with metakey 6.
Inside the press event MetaKey-Keys always have the metakey they start themself or a bigger one if other MetaKeys are hold down during that process.
When holding down all Metakeys the result would be 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15

The metakey used in that event
BlzGetTriggerPlayerIsKeyDown takes nothing returns boolean
Is this a press or release event?
GetTriggerPlayer takes nothing returns player
The player pressing/releasing the key

When the keyevent fires you can use some getter natives to know what started this event:
The oskey firing the eventBlzGetTriggerPlayerKey takes nothing returns oskeytype
The metakey used in that eventBlzGetTriggerPlayerMetaKey takes nothing returns integer
Is this a press or release event?BlzGetTriggerPlayerIsKeyDown takes nothing returns boolean
The player pressing/releasing the keyGetTriggerPlayer takes nothing returns player

The oskeytype table:
The numbers inside the oskeytype constants like $08 are hexadecimal numbers.
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_BACKSPACE                      = ConvertOsKeyType($08)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_TAB                            = ConvertOsKeyType($09)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_CLEAR                          = ConvertOsKeyType($0C)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_RETURN                         = ConvertOsKeyType($0D)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_SHIFT                          = ConvertOsKeyType($10)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_CONTROL                        = ConvertOsKeyType($11)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_ALT                            = ConvertOsKeyType($12)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_PAUSE                          = ConvertOsKeyType($13)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_CAPSLOCK                       = ConvertOsKeyType($14)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_KANA                           = ConvertOsKeyType($15)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_HANGUL                         = ConvertOsKeyType($15)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_JUNJA                          = ConvertOsKeyType($17)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_FINAL                          = ConvertOsKeyType($18)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_HANJA                          = ConvertOsKeyType($19)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_KANJI                          = ConvertOsKeyType($19)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_ESCAPE                         = ConvertOsKeyType($1B)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_CONVERT                        = ConvertOsKeyType($1C)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NONCONVERT                     = ConvertOsKeyType($1D)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_ACCEPT                         = ConvertOsKeyType($1E)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_MODECHANGE                     = ConvertOsKeyType($1F)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_SPACE                          = ConvertOsKeyType($20)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_PAGEUP                         = ConvertOsKeyType($21)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_PAGEDOWN                       = ConvertOsKeyType($22)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_END                            = ConvertOsKeyType($23)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_HOME                           = ConvertOsKeyType($24)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_LEFT                           = ConvertOsKeyType($25)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_UP                             = ConvertOsKeyType($26)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_RIGHT                          = ConvertOsKeyType($27)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_DOWN                           = ConvertOsKeyType($28)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_SELECT                         = ConvertOsKeyType($29)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_PRINT                          = ConvertOsKeyType($2A)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_EXECUTE                        = ConvertOsKeyType($2B)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_PRINTSCREEN                    = ConvertOsKeyType($2C)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_INSERT                         = ConvertOsKeyType($2D)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_DELETE                         = ConvertOsKeyType($2E)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_HELP                           = ConvertOsKeyType($2F)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_0                              = ConvertOsKeyType($30)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_1                              = ConvertOsKeyType($31)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_2                              = ConvertOsKeyType($32)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_3                              = ConvertOsKeyType($33)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_4                              = ConvertOsKeyType($34)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_5                              = ConvertOsKeyType($35)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_6                              = ConvertOsKeyType($36)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_7                              = ConvertOsKeyType($37)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_8                              = ConvertOsKeyType($38)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_9                              = ConvertOsKeyType($39)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_A                              = ConvertOsKeyType($41)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_B                              = ConvertOsKeyType($42)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_C                              = ConvertOsKeyType($43)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_D                              = ConvertOsKeyType($44)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_E                              = ConvertOsKeyType($45)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F                              = ConvertOsKeyType($46)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_G                              = ConvertOsKeyType($47)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_H                              = ConvertOsKeyType($48)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_I                              = ConvertOsKeyType($49)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_J                              = ConvertOsKeyType($4A)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_K                              = ConvertOsKeyType($4B)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_L                              = ConvertOsKeyType($4C)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_M                              = ConvertOsKeyType($4D)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_N                              = ConvertOsKeyType($4E)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_O                              = ConvertOsKeyType($4F)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_P                              = ConvertOsKeyType($50)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_Q                              = ConvertOsKeyType($51)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_R                              = ConvertOsKeyType($52)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_S                              = ConvertOsKeyType($53)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_T                              = ConvertOsKeyType($54)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_U                              = ConvertOsKeyType($55)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_V                              = ConvertOsKeyType($56)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_W                              = ConvertOsKeyType($57)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_X                              = ConvertOsKeyType($58)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_Y                              = ConvertOsKeyType($59)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_Z                              = ConvertOsKeyType($5A)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_LMETA                          = ConvertOsKeyType($5B)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_RMETA                          = ConvertOsKeyType($5C)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_APPS                           = ConvertOsKeyType($5D)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_SLEEP                          = ConvertOsKeyType($5F)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMPAD0                        = ConvertOsKeyType($60)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMPAD1                        = ConvertOsKeyType($61)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMPAD2                        = ConvertOsKeyType($62)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMPAD3                        = ConvertOsKeyType($63)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMPAD4                        = ConvertOsKeyType($64)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMPAD5                        = ConvertOsKeyType($65)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMPAD6                        = ConvertOsKeyType($66)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMPAD7                        = ConvertOsKeyType($67)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMPAD8                        = ConvertOsKeyType($68)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMPAD9                        = ConvertOsKeyType($69)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_MULTIPLY                       = ConvertOsKeyType($6A)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_ADD                            = ConvertOsKeyType($6B)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_SEPARATOR                      = ConvertOsKeyType($6C)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_SUBTRACT                       = ConvertOsKeyType($6D)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_DECIMAL                        = ConvertOsKeyType($6E)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_DIVIDE                         = ConvertOsKeyType($6F)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F1                             = ConvertOsKeyType($70)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F2                             = ConvertOsKeyType($71)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F3                             = ConvertOsKeyType($72)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F4                             = ConvertOsKeyType($73)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F5                             = ConvertOsKeyType($74)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F6                             = ConvertOsKeyType($75)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F7                             = ConvertOsKeyType($76)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F8                             = ConvertOsKeyType($77)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F9                             = ConvertOsKeyType($78)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F10                            = ConvertOsKeyType($79)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F11                            = ConvertOsKeyType($7A)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F12                            = ConvertOsKeyType($7B)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F13                            = ConvertOsKeyType($7C)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F14                            = ConvertOsKeyType($7D)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F15                            = ConvertOsKeyType($7E)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F16                            = ConvertOsKeyType($7F)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F17                            = ConvertOsKeyType($80)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F18                            = ConvertOsKeyType($81)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F19                            = ConvertOsKeyType($82)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F20                            = ConvertOsKeyType($83)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F21                            = ConvertOsKeyType($84)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F22                            = ConvertOsKeyType($85)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F23                            = ConvertOsKeyType($86)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_F24                            = ConvertOsKeyType($87)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NUMLOCK                        = ConvertOsKeyType($90)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_SCROLLLOCK                     = ConvertOsKeyType($91)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_NEC_EQUAL                  = ConvertOsKeyType($92)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_FJ_JISHO                   = ConvertOsKeyType($92)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU                 = ConvertOsKeyType($93)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU                 = ConvertOsKeyType($94)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_FJ_LOYA                    = ConvertOsKeyType($95)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_FJ_ROYA                    = ConvertOsKeyType($96)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_LSHIFT                         = ConvertOsKeyType($A0)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_RSHIFT                         = ConvertOsKeyType($A1)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_LCONTROL                       = ConvertOsKeyType($A2)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_RCONTROL                       = ConvertOsKeyType($A3)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_LALT                           = ConvertOsKeyType($A4)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_RALT                           = ConvertOsKeyType($A5)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_BROWSER_BACK                   = ConvertOsKeyType($A6)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_BROWSER_FORWARD                = ConvertOsKeyType($A7)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_BROWSER_REFRESH                = ConvertOsKeyType($A8)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_BROWSER_STOP                   = ConvertOsKeyType($A9)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_BROWSER_SEARCH                 = ConvertOsKeyType($AA)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_BROWSER_FAVORITES              = ConvertOsKeyType($AB)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_BROWSER_HOME                   = ConvertOsKeyType($AC)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_VOLUME_MUTE                    = ConvertOsKeyType($AD)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_VOLUME_DOWN                    = ConvertOsKeyType($AE)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_VOLUME_UP                      = ConvertOsKeyType($AF)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK               = ConvertOsKeyType($B0)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK               = ConvertOsKeyType($B1)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_MEDIA_STOP                     = ConvertOsKeyType($B2)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE               = ConvertOsKeyType($B3)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_LAUNCH_MAIL                    = ConvertOsKeyType($B4)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT            = ConvertOsKeyType($B5)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_LAUNCH_APP1                    = ConvertOsKeyType($B6)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_LAUNCH_APP2                    = ConvertOsKeyType($B7)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_1                          = ConvertOsKeyType($BA)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_PLUS                       = ConvertOsKeyType($BB)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_COMMA                      = ConvertOsKeyType($BC)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_MINUS                      = ConvertOsKeyType($BD)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_PERIOD                     = ConvertOsKeyType($BE)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_2                          = ConvertOsKeyType($BF)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_3                          = ConvertOsKeyType($C0)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_4                          = ConvertOsKeyType($DB)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_5                          = ConvertOsKeyType($DC)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_6                          = ConvertOsKeyType($DD)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_7                          = ConvertOsKeyType($DE)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_8                          = ConvertOsKeyType($DF)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_AX                         = ConvertOsKeyType($E1)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_102                        = ConvertOsKeyType($E2)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_ICO_HELP                       = ConvertOsKeyType($E3)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_ICO_00                         = ConvertOsKeyType($E4)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_PROCESSKEY                     = ConvertOsKeyType($E5)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_ICO_CLEAR                      = ConvertOsKeyType($E6)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_PACKET                         = ConvertOsKeyType($E7)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_RESET                      = ConvertOsKeyType($E9)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_JUMP                       = ConvertOsKeyType($EA)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_PA1                        = ConvertOsKeyType($EB)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_PA2                        = ConvertOsKeyType($EC)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_PA3                        = ConvertOsKeyType($ED)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_WSCTRL                     = ConvertOsKeyType($EE)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_CUSEL                      = ConvertOsKeyType($EF)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_ATTN                       = ConvertOsKeyType($F0)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_FINISH                     = ConvertOsKeyType($F1)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_COPY                       = ConvertOsKeyType($F2)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_AUTO                       = ConvertOsKeyType($F3)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_ENLW                       = ConvertOsKeyType($F4)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_BACKTAB                    = ConvertOsKeyType($F5)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_ATTN                           = ConvertOsKeyType($F6)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_CRSEL                          = ConvertOsKeyType($F7)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_EXSEL                          = ConvertOsKeyType($F8)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_EREOF                          = ConvertOsKeyType($F9)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_PLAY                           = ConvertOsKeyType($FA)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_ZOOM                           = ConvertOsKeyType($FB)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_NONAME                         = ConvertOsKeyType($FC)
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_PA1                            = ConvertOsKeyType($FD)[/INDENT]
    constant oskeytype              OSKEY_OEM_CLEAR                      = ConvertOsKeyType($FE)

Keypress Demo

With this Lua script one can test the possible key presses which is also part of the demo map
function Test()
    print("Create Keys")
    for index = 8,255 do
        local trigger = CreateTrigger()
        TriggerAddAction(trigger, function()
            print("OsKey:",index, "meta",BlzGetTriggerPlayerMetaKey())
        local key = ConvertOsKeyType(index)
        for metaKey = 0,15,1 do
            BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(trigger, Player(0), key, metaKey, true)
            BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(trigger, Player(0), key, metaKey, false)

When an user holds the left mousebutton while the cursor points on playable ground, no oskeyevent will fire. Frames that block the playable ground (Controlstyle "AUTOTRACK" or example "FRAME") which don't keep focus do not disable oskeyevents even when the left mousebutton is hold.
As long a Frame holds focus no oskey event will be sent.
While typing in chat messages no oskey event will fire (kinda a consequenz of the statement above)
The Menus(F10) at top Left also take focus and disabling oskeyevents from that player while he has them open.​


  • OsHotkey Tests2.w3x
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Level 13
Nov 7, 2014
The numbers inside the oskeytype constants like $08 are hexadecimal numbers.
The numbers also seem to be these "Virtual-Key Codes".

MetaKeys are "none"(0), "control"(1), "shift"(2), "alt"(4) and "META"(8) (windows key).
I think 'shift' is 1 and 'ctrl' is 2.

With this Lua script one can test the possible key presses which is also part of the demo map
I think this script might be "better":

local c_Key_Mod_None = 0
local c_Key_Mod_Shift = 1 << 0
local c_Key_Mod_Ctrl = 1 << 1
local c_Key_Mod_Alt = 1 << 2
local c_Key_Mod_Meta = 1 << 3

local function on_key_input()
    local key = GetHandleId(BlzGetTriggerPlayerKey())
    local meta = BlzGetTriggerPlayerMetaKey()
    local is_down = BlzGetTriggerPlayerIsKeyDown()

    local s = ''

    if 0 ~= meta & c_Key_Mod_Ctrl then
        s = s .. 'ctrl+'
    if 0 ~= meta & c_Key_Mod_Shift then
        s = s .. 'shift+'
    if 0 ~= meta & c_Key_Mod_Alt then
        s = s .. 'alt+'
    if 0 ~= meta & c_Key_Mod_Meta then
        s = s .. 'meta+'

    s = s .. string.format('<0x%02X>', key)
    s = s .. (is_down and ' down' or ' up')


local t = CreateTrigger()
TriggerAddAction(t, on_key_input)
    -- loop over only the players that are present, i.e don't use this sort of loop:
    -- for p = 0, bj_MAX_PLAYERS-1 do

        local p = 0
        local pp = Player(p)

        for k = 0x00, 0xFF do
            local key = ConvertOsKeyType(k)
            for meta = 0, 15 do
                BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(t, pp, key, meta, true)
                BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(t, pp, key, meta, false)

    -- end


PS: maybe Blizzard should try to document at least some of their new APIs...
I think 'shift' is 1 and 'ctrl' is 2
You are right. I mixed that up, Thanks for pointing that out. Even my own code shows that :(.

The numbers also seem to be these "Virtual-Key Codes".
Thanks for sharing that.

Your code shows the Hex values like they are written in common.j which is great so one does not need a converter (but if one uses world Editor (like me) it only works after one added a 2. % into string.format)

PS: maybe Blizzard should try to document at least some of their new APIs...
Would be great, but they seem busy with fixing and releasing new stuff.
Level 4
Sep 10, 2013
Can someone change the function in that way, that W/S/A/D down+up (1 example is enough) will run a GUI trigger + put the information "TriggerPlayer" in that trigger

This must be a great possibility to change my ArrowKey-Movement system to a WSAD-Movement system, isnt it?
Level 4
Sep 10, 2013
And why i can save and test the attachted file, but when i copy+paste the (Custom)Trigger, it shows me an syntax error message?
When an user holds the left mousebutton while the cursor points on playable ground, no oskeyevent will fire. Frames that block the playable ground (Controlstyle "AUTOTRACK" or example "FRAME") which don't keep focus do not disable oskeyevents even when the left mousebutton is hold.
As long a Frame holds focus no oskey event will be sent.
Any work around for the left click disabling input?
Looks nice on the first view. On a second view there is a problem that it closes Menu/Quest/Alliance/Chat when one presses this buttons with the mouse (I also had a feeling there was something off with selecting units).
That also could be a wanted feature.
Whatever, thanks for sharing this.
My test code
    local real = MarkGameStarted
    function MarkGameStarted()
    local trigger = CreateTrigger()
    BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(trigger, Player(0), OSKEY_A, 0, true)
    TriggerAddAction(trigger, function()
    trigger = CreateTrigger()
    TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trigger, Player(0), EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_DOWN)
    TriggerAddAction(trigger, function()
        if(GetLocalPlayer() == GetTriggerPlayer()) then
Edited: Replaced selfexecution with a less problematic approach
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Level 9
Mar 26, 2017
Not sure if this is the right place, but is there any way to detect Mouse scrolling?
I cannot find an appropriate key, and PLAYER_MOUSE_DOWN only refers to mouse clicks.

I do see there is a 'frame event mouse wheel';
BlzTriggerRegisterFrameEvent(Trig_Mouse, BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_WORLD, 0), FRAMEEVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL)

But mouse scrolling does not activate this trigger.
Frames can only use some Frameevents based on their type, I made a list in this post: [JASS/AI] - UI: FrameEvents and FrameTypes

You could create one big BUTTON and let it cover the whole screen. This BUTTON can not be seen and will catch all the mouse wheel scroling. Buttons tend to keep the Focus when they are clicked (with the mouse9 therefore one would have to enable/disable the Button when it throws FRAMEEVENT_CONTROL_CLICK.
But it might have a negative effect on the game control. it would for sure disable the zooming in/out with the mouse wheel.
Level 9
Mar 26, 2017
Hmm, I've tried it, but it didn't produce the desired results.

-It does pick up mouse wheel correctly, but cannot distinguish between scrolling up and down.
-Scrolling only works in the 3:4 screen, and not at the edges.

What I really want to accomplish, is to make mouse scroll up set the camera to a higher elevation than is normally possible (height of 2500). It is more intuitive, instead of making players need to type a command.

It seems that unfortunately, it is not possible through this method.
Level 3
Jan 20, 2020
I'm terrible with this stuff - I try making the bones of the trigger in GUI, then convert to custom text to insert the BlizTriggerRegister line, but I keep getting errors. No idea why they couldn't just add a GUI for this like in SC2. Can anybody tell me why this is giving me an error?

function Trig_MoveStart_Copy_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    call EnableTrigger( gg_trg_Moving )

function InitTrig_MoveStart_Copy takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_MoveStart_Copy = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_MoveStart_Copy, function Trig_MoveStart_Copy_Actions )
Level 3
Jan 20, 2020
call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(trigger,Player(0),OSKEY_W,0,true)

in jass one needs call or set infront of most lines

Thank you for the reply - I am still getting an error on that line though.
function Trig_MoveStart_Copy_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    call EnableTrigger( gg_trg_Moving )

function InitTrig_MoveStart_Copy takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_MoveStart_Copy = CreateTrigger(  )
    call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(trigger,Player(0),OSKEY_W,0,true)
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_MoveStart_Copy, function Trig_MoveStart_Copy_Actions )

I'm almost positive its because I'm stupid, and I can't just replace the script line of the "if player presses forward key" with that "call BlzTriggerRegister" line - but I have no idea what I'm doing with jass
Level 3
Jan 20, 2020
call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(trigger,Player(0),OSKEY_W,0,true)
call BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(gg_trg_MoveStart_Copy ,Player(0),OSKEY_W,0,true)
Oh damn- booyah that did the trick. Thank you so much sir- finally having access to keyboard events is gonna be legendary.
Level 24
Mar 29, 2020
Hey, a few question about this:

1. is there any way to detect more than one key at once besides the metakeys? like to give the order for diagonal movement on a wasd system?

2. if you use a key pressed (keydown=true) event it will keep firing over and over while the key is held down. however, once a different key (that fires Oskey) is pressed - even if you are still holding down the first key and you have already released the second key - the first one will no longer register. Is there a way to avoid this?

3. is there a condition to filter - key used in Oskey event == x?
Hey, a few question about this:

1. is there any way to detect more than one key at once besides the metakeys? like to give the order for diagonal movement on a wasd system?

2. if you use a key pressed (keydown=true) event it will keep firing over and over while the key is held down. however, once a different key (that fires Oskey) is pressed - even if you are still holding down the first key and you have already released the second key - the first one will no longer register. Is there a way to avoid this?

3. is there a condition to filter - key used in Oskey event == x?
1. Yes. Key press/release will fire even when other keys are pressed.

2. Yes, you must save key states in a boolean and do comparisons to see if the key state has changed before firing your events.
if BlzGetTriggerPlayerIsKeyDown() != keystate then
set keystate = BlzGetTriggerPlayerIsKeyDown()
. . .

3. Yes BlzGetTriggerPlayerKey
When an user holds the left mousebutton while the cursor points on playable ground, no oskeyevent will fire. Frames that block the playable ground (Controlstyle "AUTOTRACK" or example "FRAME") which don't keep focus do not disable oskeyevents even when the left mousebutton is hold.
Hey @Tasyen,
could you give an example of how to create such a frame that blocks playable ground (beyond 4:3 borders), but doesn't block oskey and click events?
I think, the creation method would even be a good addition to the tutorial, as you've already mentioned it there.

Thank you very much and have a nice day!
Hey @Tasyen,
could you give an example of how to create such a frame that blocks playable ground (beyond 4:3 borders), but doesn't block oskey and click events?
I think, the creation method would even be a good addition to the tutorial, as you've already mentioned it there.

Thank you very much and have a nice day!
Here you go: creates the key/mouse trigger for player red, than a FRAME that fills the screen and beyond. It disables selecting any unit and giving orders but key event and mouse down works.
One has to call the function NoPlayAbleGroundClick() for it to do anything.
function NoPlayAbleGroundClick()
    local trigger = CreateTrigger()
    TriggerAddAction(trigger, function()
        print("OsKey:", GetHandleId(BlzGetTriggerPlayerKey()), "meta",BlzGetTriggerPlayerMetaKey())
    for index = 8,255 do
        local key = ConvertOsKeyType(index)
        for metaKey = 0,15,1 do
            BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(trigger, Player(0), key, metaKey, true)
            BlzTriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEvent(trigger, Player(0), key, metaKey, false)
    trigger = CreateTrigger()
    TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trigger, Player(0), EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_DOWN)
    TriggerAddAction(trigger, function()
        print("MouseClick:", BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseX(), BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseY())

    local parent
    if GetLocalizedString("REFORGED") ~= "REFORGED" then
        -- 1.32+
        parent = BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUIBackdrop", 0)
        -- 1.31.1
        parent = BlzGetFrameByName("Leaderboard", 0)
        -- already have a useable Learboard, then just use it?
        if GetHandleId(parent) == 0 then
            -- create a "hidden" one and use it as parent
            CreateLeaderboardBJ(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS, "title")
            parent = BlzGetFrameByName("Leaderboard", 0)
            BlzFrameSetSize(parent, 0, 0)
            BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("LeaderboardBackdrop", 0), false)
            BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("LeaderboardTitle", 0), false)
            -- the timer is only required, if your map wants to use a normal leaderboard
            TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.1, true, function()
                BlzFrameSetVisible(parent, true)
    local frame = BlzCreateFrameByType("FRAME", "", parent, "", 0)
    BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(frame, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOM, 0.4, 0)
    BlzFrameSetSize(frame, 100, 1)