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ORPG Modern Wars

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Level 8
Jun 18, 2007
Ok, this is just a thought. Are you tired of ORPG that puts you in the fantasy-magic-medival age with swords, spears and bows? I may be wrong but I belive that there is not one ORPG map that sets you in Modern or post-nuclear world, with guns, rifles lasers and stuff. With realistc modern bulidings, vehicles and units (notice that THW has more than enough of these models for creation of such map). Not maps like Surrvival or AoS on this theme. I mean you get you char. and you change your weapons (pistols, rifles, lasers) and you solve all kind of quest like save civilians, destroy tank/robot/chopper. Such project would include all (terrainers, triggerers and modelers) and it would be a hell of a chalange. I'm just saying this as an idea and I would like to know what you guys think of such and project.
ORPG for those who don't know is (Open Role Playing Game).
Level 8
May 26, 2007
Ok, this is just a thought. Are you tired of ORPG that puts you in the fantasy-magic-medival age with swords, spears and bows? I may be wrong but I belive that there is not one ORPG map that sets you in Modern or post-nuclear world, with guns, rifles lasers and stuff. With realistc modern bulidings, vehicles and units (notice that THW has more than enough of these models for creation of such map). Not maps like Surrvival or AoS on this theme. I mean you get you char. and you change your weapons (pistols, rifles, lasers) and you solve all kind of quest like save civilians, destroy tank/robot/chopper. Such project would include all (terrainers, triggerers and modelers) and it would be a hell of a chalange. I'm just saying this as an idea and I would like to know what you guys think of such and project.
ORPG for those who don't know is (Open Role Playing Game).

Well, because that stuff takes too long to make, and why do that, when Starcraft II comes out we can just do that. XD
Level 6
Jan 17, 2007
Well, i guess this game is fun to play in Warcraft 3. It's not bad on having a Futuristic style on Warcraft 3.
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