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Orcish Rifleman

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
My first model :). I think its cool, a brand new orcish rifleman =P.. I removed some of his leather cloth and plate at the arms, and then i made some arm skin. Now u probaly sitting and thinking :"Haha noob model". Well. It is indeed my first .. Need a teacher :) Please add my msn if u can teach me some skillz. i wanna be 1337 =P. msn: [email protected]

Orcish Rifleman (Model)

General Frank: (Ignored) [12-30-2007] Too minor model edits (no model edits), so it doesn't count as a model. It does not reach the THW's standards of modelling. Perhaps you can try submitting the skin in the skin section.




General Frank:

(Ignored) [12-30-2007]

Too minor model edits (no model edits), so it doesn't count as a model. It does not reach the THW's standards of modelling.
Perhaps you can try submitting the skin in the skin section.
Level 17
Nov 19, 2006
I'm no teacher, but what I can tell you that I've learned is to try to make a model that is almost completly differant from its original. this is a good start, but it is mostly a skin and minor changes.
I suggest:
-changing the cloth in the skin
-reshaping the head to look more orcish
-shorten beard
-PM for advice if needed...