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Orc Scout Tower

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Reactions: Carefree World
A wooden orc scout tower.
30 letters

orc, scout, tower, building, wooden, wood

Orc Scout Tower (Model)

14:54, 9th Sep 2008 Pyritie: Could be useful. Comes with standard orc death and birth anims so it fits right in with the others.




14:54, 9th Sep 2008
Pyritie: Could be useful. Comes with standard orc death and birth anims so it fits right in with the others.
Level 8
Aug 12, 2008
This is pathetic. I'm sorry but it is. All you really did was edit the orc scout tower that already exists, or so it looks. Since I feel like being nice today, I will give it a one, if it even deserves that. You might consider checking out the tutorials on modeling, they can be very useful if you are struggeling. 1/5
Level 8
Aug 12, 2008
Dark Hunter said:
i already checked them out about 1 year ago... ....
Could have fooled me.
Dark Hunter said:
If you don't know, i have seen many models which are modification of others. Some are very good modifications, others are like mine.
These models were also time worthy. All you did was reshape the tower, the "Good models" were not only reshaped, but probably recolored, with attachments of custom design added. If you can't learn from the tutorial, ask for help.
These models were also time worthy. All you did was reshape the tower, the "Good models" were not only reshaped, but probably recolored, with attachments of custom design added. If you can't learn from the tutorial, ask for help.

The tutorials aren't enough to learn. The tutorials help whit basic stuff that i know. And i made this out of boardroom, it looks exactly the way i wanted it to look. It may be simple, but i don't care if it looks the way i want it to look. Its a SENTRY tower:
http://www.merkki.com/images/sentry tower.jpg
This is a pretty simple model, but it looks good. There's no point in making it look less plain if the point of the model is to look plain.
Quality of a model is not based on how "epic" it looks. I can draw an "epic" sword in 10 seconds, or I could spent 20 minutes making a high-quality image of a plain sword, to make it look exactly how I want it to look.
Although, on the side note: Icon isn't at a good angle. When making an icon, it's best to have a view from a side angle, and either below or above. You did this very slightly, but the angle needs to be increased.
I rate the model a 3/5.
Last edited:
Level 3
May 22, 2011
It looks too square. Normally, that is no problem for buildings (most of which, in the real world, are vaguely square), but if you look at the Orcish buildings that ship with the game, very few of them are square. Other than the War Mill, they are all round.

Other than that, it looks okay, I guess. However, I see no reason for anyone to use it, since the Orc tower that ships with the game is much more detailed and fits in better with other Orc buildings.