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Orc Berserker

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
The Orc Berserker is the powerhouse of the orc forces. Able to push through the defenses of most bases, a group of Berserkers can easily pave the way for the rest of the horde. Towering above even their grunt predecessor, these behemoths will crush all who stand in their way. They are not ones to make mad, as they become even more destructive.

Please do not edit or redistribute without proper permission. Give credit if you use this in your map. Thank you.

Edit: I have taken parts of other textures and included them into the main texture to keep from having the size being made larger. If anyone would like to help this model by chopping down the file size of the custom texture, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Edit: found some textures that I had not deleted. They have been taken care of now =3

Thanks to Zerox for shrinking the file size by a lot! =D Round of applause! =D

Orc, Horde, Berserker, rage, powerhouse, green, giant, beastmaster, axe, large, deadly, varsaigen

Orc Berserker (Model)

12:28, 8th Feb 2009 General Frank: Nah, this a way too simply and heavy.




12:28, 8th Feb 2009
General Frank:

Nah, this a way too simply and heavy.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
... most of it is ingame. And there was a simular model that was just the grunt texture applied (simular texture, but different armour (this is cloth-ish))

The green skin and the leather is what I wanted when I edited the Beastmaster skin :p If I used the ugly grunt texture for this, the coat on his back would be messed up. That's why I stuck to editing the Beastmaster texture.

Edit: This is what it would look like. I ONLY selected the body, but appareatly, that includes the axes :/


  • uhg.jpg
    30.4 KB · Views: 502
This is definitely possible with ingame textures.

I really don't see why I should have to change the texture.

..because it is useless and is only adding file size.

While this model is definitely useful and interesting, it is merely a recolor and CnP reskin, with some added and removed geosets. While this is definitely a decent model, it extremely simple. 3/5
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
since I don't know what texture you guys feel would look best, would any of you mind trying the textures and trying to get as close to the origional design (that I have for the body) that I have? Remember that if you wrap the body, the axes are also wrapped. D: So any different textures you use for the body, you will need to find a good part of the texture to use on the axes.
Level 45
Dec 13, 2005
Blademaster for the upper body, you could use peon for the bare section of the legs. And leave the axes using Beastmaster texture. Cape is pretty much unchanged from the BM, but if you really want the symbol I think there's some orc flag textures you could use. Yes, you will have to rip the model to pieces.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
the beastmaster only has half the upper body D: I would not know how to wrap that D:

Edit: These are the file sizes for the origional model,it's texture, and my model and texture. As you can see, (or should see) my texture is actually SMALLER than the origional. My model is only 10 KB larger than the origional as well.
OB file size.jpg

Edit: I just realized that if I cut off the "Orc" out of "Orc Berserker", that the file size would drop and be almost exact to the base model's size.
Last edited:
Level 3
Sep 16, 2007
it does seem rather simplistic at first, but it suits the needs, its filesize is better than some of the more complicated ones, overall its useful and worthwhile, im not a modder so i cant really argue with all the in detail parts, but it looks perfectly fine to me 4/5
Level 4
Jan 18, 2009
Pretty cool. From the screen shot it looks like it is pretty nice.

The only thing wrong with it is the shoulder plates they are a bit too large and personally i don't think berserkers would bother with armour and the horns are a bit too thin towards the ends. One last thing, change the positon of the horns as they may go through the shoulder plates at times.

Overall quite nice 3.75 out of 5
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
thanks for critique. I could also move the right horn tp (goes through armour) in so that it looks like a stub. Like it was chopped off. There were holes in the body (shoulder and back-neck area) But, Berserkers are meant to be large and powerful. And what is more menacing in armour than massive shoulder pads with spikes in them? =3
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
Performs in Warcraft 3 Viewer
Bugs in Warcraft 3 Viewer - Won't show hero glow until death animation is played. (-1/2)

Performs - In World Editor - No problems.

In game - Portrait animation lacks variation. (-1 pts)

No - Viruses,Bugs,The Trojan horse or Worms found.

98.80% translates in to 9.80 out of 10.00, 0.20% from perfect score! - Status: Great!

Added 0.15% from general idea - 9.95% translates in to 9.95 out of 10.00, 0.5% from perfect score! - Status: NO WAI!