orb of lightning on TD problem

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Level 3
Sep 15, 2021

on TDs, normally towers don't have movement type and speed so they don't have 'hold' and 'move' buttons plus can't attack ground.
Im tryna give my towers abilities of Orb stuff.. but when enemy units comes in an acquired range of my towers and my towers attack them,
Orbs are not working. Only if i desginate which enemy to attack, it works.
I know it can be solved when u use triggers using dummy but im really bad at this.
Can anyone plz give me a good example map of using triggers for orbs?
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Level 3
Sep 15, 2021
All Orb effects work this way in wc3. Only if you manually attack. If you want it to happen always you will need a Damage Detection System and some simple triggers.
yeah that simple trigger is what i need and is the reason why i wrote this post bro haha.. like i said im bat at triggers


Warcraft Moderator
Level 71
Aug 10, 2018
yeah that simple trigger is what i need and is the reason why i wrote this post bro haha.. like i said im bat at triggers

The demo map provides examples that can help you understand what's going on. I know it's a lot to digest at first but just spend some time reading and experimenting and you should be able to figure it out.
Level 5
Oct 16, 2007
You can also make a trigger with a unit is attacked event and order the attacking unit to attack the attacked unit. Then Orb effects should work too. Orb of slow works this way, not sure for the others.


Spell Reviewer
Level 28
Nov 18, 2012
All Orb effects work this way in wc3. Only if you manually attack.
Actually, you only have to manually attack if you're using orb abilities that have %chance to trigger an effect to a unit. Like Item Attack Lightning Bonus (new) and Item Attack Slow Bonus.
on TDs, normally towers don't have movement type and speed so they don't have 'hold' and 'move' buttons plus can't attack ground.
I don't really the correlation between this and the rest of your question.
Im tryna give my towers abilities of Orb stuff.. but when enemy units comes in an acquired range of my towers and my towers attack them,
Orbs are not working. Only if i desginate which enemy to attack, it works.
I know it can be solved when u use triggers using dummy but im really bad at this.
Can anyone plz give me a good example map of using triggers for orbs?
Best way to getting good at something is to try doing it yourself. We didn't magically get good at understanding how the game and editor works. You need a starting point.

Either Uncle or Lartin's way does the job. Lartin's way is simpler and can't really be abused in this context.
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