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hello i made a tug of war minigame it works very good and smooth just wondering if there is anything i can improve on ? also note tht the trigger is normally off and it is executed and turned on in another trigger. the winner function is also not completed. and i plan on turning it into a bracket style game (tournament style). i use lightning as a rope currently looking to see what lightning looks the best. well here is the code thx for ur comments.
scope TugOfWar initializer TugofWar
trigger trg_TugOfWar
unit array TOWunit
private real array unitPos
private integer counter = 0
private region left
private region right
private lightning Lightning1
private lightning Lightning2
private function settingUnits takes nothing returns nothing
local integer p = 0
local real array x
local real array y
set x[0] = GetRectCenterX( gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP0)
set y[0] = GetRectCenterY( gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP0)
set x[1] = GetRectCenterX( gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP1)
set y[1] = GetRectCenterY( gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP1)
set x[2] = GetRectCenterX( gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP2)
set y[2] = GetRectCenterY( gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP2)
set x[3] = GetRectCenterX( gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP3)
set y[3] = GetRectCenterY( gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP3)
exitwhen p > 3
call SetUnitX( TOWunit, x)
call SetUnitY( TOWunit, y)
call SetUnitFacing( TOWunit, 270)
set p = p + 1
private function winner takes integer p returns nothing
call textall( "Player " + I2S(p+1) + " has won the game.")
call settingUnits()
private function getunitinregionleft takes integer p returns integer
local integer L = 0
exitwhen L > 3
if IsUnitOwnedByPlayer( TOWunit[L], Player(L)) and IsUnitInRegion( left, TOWunit[L]) then
return L
set L = L + 1
return 11
private function getunitinregionright takes integer p returns integer
local integer L = 0
exitwhen L > 3
if IsUnitOwnedByPlayer( TOWunit[L], Player(L)) and IsUnitInRegion( right, TOWunit[L]) then
return L
set L = L + 1
return 11
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local integer p = GetPlayerId( GetTriggerPlayer())
local integer l = getunitinregionleft( p)
local integer r = getunitinregionright( p)
local real Real = 16 // use to set distance moved per click
if p == l then
set Real = -Real
elseif p == r then
set unitPos[l] = unitPos[l] + Real
set unitPos[r] = unitPos[r] + Real
call SetUnitX( TOWunit[l], unitPos[l])
call SetUnitX( TOWunit[r], unitPos[r])
call MoveLightning( Lightning1, true, unitPos[l], 1920, unitPos[r], 1920)
call MoveLightning( Lightning2, true, unitPos[r], 1920, unitPos[l], 1920)
if unitPos[l] >= 15744 or unitPos[r] <= 15744 then
call winner( p)
private function setup takes nothing returns nothing
local real lx = 15488
local real rx = 16000
local real y = GetRectCenterY( gg_rct_TugOfWarCenter)
if counter == 0 then
set Lightning1 = AddLightning( "LEAS", true, lx, y, rx, y)
set Lightning2 = AddLightning( "LEAS", true, rx, y, lx, y)
set counter = 1
call SetUnitX( TOWunit[0], lx)
call SetUnitY( TOWunit[0], y)
call SetUnitX( TOWunit[1], rx)
call SetUnitY( TOWunit[1], y)
call SetUnitFacing( TOWunit[0], 0)
call SetUnitFacing( TOWunit[1], 180)
call Actions()
private function setupUnits takes nothing returns nothing
local real tx = GetRectCenterX( gg_rct_TugOfWarCenter) //15744
local real ty = GetRectCenterY( gg_rct_TugOfWarCenter) //1920
local destructable d = CreateDestructable( 'B000', tx, ty, 0, 1, 1)
set left = CreateRegion()
call RegionAddRect( left, gg_rct_TugOfWarLeft)
set right = CreateRegion()
call RegionAddRect( right, gg_rct_TugOfWarRight)
set TOWunit[0] = gg_unit_hpea_0128
set TOWunit[1] = gg_unit_hpea_0129
set TOWunit[2] = gg_unit_hpea_0130
set TOWunit[3] = gg_unit_hpea_0131
set unitPos[0] = 15488
set unitPos[1] = 16000
call SetDestructableInvulnerable( d, true)
call settingUnits()
set d = null
function TugofWar takes nothing returns nothing
set trg_TugOfWar = CreateTrigger()
call setupUnits()
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent( trg_TugOfWar, Player(0), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent( trg_TugOfWar, Player(1), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent( trg_TugOfWar, Player(2), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent( trg_TugOfWar, Player(3), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
call TriggerAddAction( trg_TugOfWar, function setup )
scope TugOfWar initializer TugofWar
trigger trg_TugOfWar
unit array TOWunit
private real array unitPos
private integer counter = 0
private region left
private region right
private lightning Lightning1
private lightning Lightning2
private rect array TOW_Rects
private function rectSetting takes nothing returns nothing
set TOW_Rects[0] = gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP0
set TOW_Rects[1] = gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP1
set TOW_Rects[2] = gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP2
set TOW_Rects[3] = gg_rct_TugOfWar_SidelinesP3
private function settingUnits takes nothing returns nothing
local integer p = 0
set unitPos[0] = 15488
set unitPos[1] = 16000
set counter = 0
exitwhen p > 3
call SetUnitX( TOWunit, GetRectCenterX( TOW_Rects))
call SetUnitY( TOWunit, GetRectCenterY( TOW_Rects))
call SetUnitFacing( TOWunit, 270)
set p = p + 1
private function winner takes integer p returns nothing
call textall( "Player " + I2S(p+1) + " has won the game.", p)
call settingUnits()
call pauseall( false)
private function getunitinregionleft takes integer p returns integer
local integer L = 0
exitwhen L > 3
if IsUnitOwnedByPlayer( TOWunit[L], Player(L)) and IsUnitInRegion( left, TOWunit[L]) then
return L
set L = L + 1
return 11
private function getunitinregionright takes integer p returns integer
local integer L = 0
exitwhen L > 3
if IsUnitOwnedByPlayer( TOWunit[L], Player(L)) and IsUnitInRegion( right, TOWunit[L]) then
return L
set L = L + 1
return 11
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local integer p = GetPlayerId( GetTriggerPlayer())
local integer l = getunitinregionleft( p)
local integer r = getunitinregionright( p)
local real Real = 16 // use to set distance moved per click
if p == l then
set Real = -Real
elseif p == r then
set unitPos[l] = unitPos[l] + Real
set unitPos[r] = unitPos[r] + Real
call SetUnitX( TOWunit[l], unitPos[l])
call SetUnitX( TOWunit[r], unitPos[r])
call MoveLightning( Lightning1, true, unitPos[l], 1920, unitPos[r], 1920)
call MoveLightning( Lightning2, true, unitPos[r], 1920, unitPos[l], 1920)
if unitPos[l] >= 15744 or unitPos[r] <= 15744 then
call winner( p)
private function setup takes nothing returns nothing
local real lx = 15488
local real rx = 16000
local real y = GetRectCenterY( gg_rct_TugOfWarCenter)
if counter == 0 then
set Lightning1 = AddLightning( "LEAS", true, lx, y, rx, y)
set Lightning2 = AddLightning( "LEAS", true, rx, y, lx, y)
set counter = 1
call SetUnitX( TOWunit[0], lx)
call SetUnitY( TOWunit[0], y)
call SetUnitX( TOWunit[1], rx)
call SetUnitY( TOWunit[1], y)
call SetUnitFacing( TOWunit[0], 0)
call SetUnitFacing( TOWunit[1], 180)
call Actions()
private function setupUnits takes nothing returns nothing
local real tx = GetRectCenterX( gg_rct_TugOfWarCenter) //15744
local real ty = GetRectCenterY( gg_rct_TugOfWarCenter) //1920
local destructable d = CreateDestructable( 'B000', tx, ty, 0, 1, 1)
set left = CreateRegion()
call RegionAddRect( left, gg_rct_TugOfWarLeft)
set right = CreateRegion()
call RegionAddRect( right, gg_rct_TugOfWarRight)
set TOWunit[0] = gg_unit_hpea_0128
set TOWunit[1] = gg_unit_hpea_0129
set TOWunit[2] = gg_unit_hpea_0130
set TOWunit[3] = gg_unit_hpea_0131
call SetDestructableInvulnerable( d, true)
call settingUnits()
set d = null
function TugofWar takes nothing returns nothing
set trg_TugOfWar = CreateTrigger()
call rectSetting()
call setupUnits()
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent( trg_TugOfWar, Player(0), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent( trg_TugOfWar, Player(1), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent( trg_TugOfWar, Player(2), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent( trg_TugOfWar, Player(3), EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
call TriggerAddAction( trg_TugOfWar, function setup )
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