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only ger pls. Wie kann ich hero attribute zu den hitpoints der beschworenen einheite?

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Level 2
Apr 16, 2009
Also ich will das so irgendwie bittte: Ich beschwöre ein schwein das soll seine 15 hp + die kraft des bestienmeisters bekommen! Das sich die Max Hitpoints nicht ändern bekomm ich ned hin. Bitte helft.:cute:
lol... only english please...
Also ich will das so irgendwie bittte: Ich beschwöre ein schwein das soll seine 15 hp + die kraft des bestienmeisters bekommen! Das sich die Max Hitpoints nicht ändern bekomm ich ned hin. Bitte helft.
translation: when I summon a pig (it has 15hp) and it will additionally get to the 15 hp the strenght of the beastmaster. How can I now add the hitpoints?

not 100% correct, but I tried... :D

Answer: I think it isn't possible.
Thats easy. make an item based on Tome of Health, but instead giving 50hp, modify its ability to give only 1 hp. Save the Beastmaster strenght as a variable. Like "Set(integerpigealth) = Strenght of Beastmaster 0001 <gen>", then create "integerpigealth" tomes, and give it to the pig. (Dont foget to give an unit inventroy for the pig)
Thats easy. make an item based on Tome of Health, but instead giving 50hp, modify its ability to give only 1 hp. Save the Beastmaster strenght as a variable. Like "Set(integerpigealth) = Strenght of Beastmaster 0001 <gen>", then create "integerpigealth" tomes, and give it to the pig. (Dont foget to give an unit inventroy for the pig)

oh... yeah that makes the whole thing possible... :p

but the pig must have a hero inventory (you could change the slots to 1), else the unit is not able to pick it up (or?)

here the trigger:

  • Pig
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Spawns a summoned unit
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • set strenght = Strenght (include bonuses) of YourHero
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to strenght, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Hero - Create PigHp and give it to (SummonedUnit)
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